DVS, Devious Gaming.

Discussion in 'Emerald (US East)' started by Chewy102, Jul 1, 2013.

  1. Chewy102

    I am not a ranking officer in DVS and what I say should not be taken as something from someone that represents Devious Gaming. My current role within DVS is only squad leader but we need to get word out so I am taking it on myself to type this. If I offend (and I might being an *******) please do not assume I speak for Devious Gaming, simply take up any beefs with me to me.
    _end note_

    DVS main site

    DVS Planetside 2 page

    As close to a DVS promo video as we got.

    DVS is in need of quality players. Although DVS numbers past 1,000 members as an outfit we do not have enough active, quality, and/or willing members to fill a platoon for higher level activities (MLG). This is a sad thing in my opinion and the reason I am making this post. DVS needs players that give a **** about Planetside 2 and are willing to deal with idiots and ******** to further not only themselves and the NC on the Waterson server but DVS as well. Currently we have around 36 active members that are willing to work to make DVS a name to be feared within MLG circles. We need that number to be at least 60 so that DVS will be able to man a full platoon with backups if needed when the time comes to fight in MLG.

    So I ask that any who is willing and wanting to play Planetside 2 at a MLG level please visit our forums and just make a post saying so. If you just want to join DVS for the fights and don't want to be part of MLG then we'll still be happy to take in new blood. But either way will not be a free invite. You will have to have a talk with an officer on our Teamspeak server for a DVS outfit invite and a forum post in our MLG thread is now mandatory if you wish to take it that far.

    To join DVS all you need to do is this.

    1- Visit our website http://www.dvsgaming.org/home get out Teamspeak information or ask for it in one of our public platoons
    2- Join our Teamspeak server and either poke someone with a PS2 officer tag or just hop in a filled PS2 channel and ask for an interview.
    3- Accept the invite in game.

    But if you want to join DVS for MLG, that will take more as we have had spies. Not kidding on that. To get into our MLG lists you will need to

    1- Be in DVS
    2- Post in the MLG thread in our Planetside 2 forums (you will need a Enjin account) with a few details that are listed in the first page of the thread.
    3- Ask DVSDeltrith to take part in a MLG training when he is online as he is in control of them.
    4- Be on time.
    5- If you can not make a training then post saying so beforehand

    Thank you if you bothered to read all of this. I hope that this pays off and DVS gets players that are able and willing to give good fights. My stats suck and Im a part of DVS MLG circle. It isn't that hard to get in, you just have to be willing and prove that you are able.