Dummies Guide to Spawn Beacons?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Purple Pooka, Jan 21, 2013.

  1. Purple Pooka

    Over the weekend, I finally spent the minimum 30 pts into the Leadership skills for the Spawn Beacon to let people Hot Drop into my zone. I figured that as a CQC Infiltrator, it could be helpful for contributing. Yet for the life of me, I can't figure out how to activate the dang thing.

    1) Does it only work when grouped with someone? (I can't see any way that I can use it while soloing.)

    2) Can it be used while grouping, even if you're not the Leader of the group? (Even while grouped, I can't see any way to use it as a non-Squad Leader.)

    3) Does it show up as one of the # hotbar skills for activation? If not, how do you turn the thing on?

    I'm sure that my questions sounds like moronic newbie requests, but the system for activating these Hot Drop beacons really isn't intuitive and the game isn't giving me much direction. Thanks for the help.
  2. AnnPerkins

    only works if you're squad lead. need to resupply when you become group leader. always last inventory slot (class dependent)
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  3. Hosp

    mmm, Squad Bacon.

    But I digress. Also, once you are able to deploy it, remember, it can't be deployed under things. So make sure no rocks or structures are over it. I've seen it deployed through some 1 way shields however.
  4. BengalTiger

    The certs are in the "Squad Leader" category, therefore they work only for squad leaders. This goes for everything- beacons, rally points, command channel, squad objectives, etc.
  5. Morpholine

    1. You must be a squad leader to place the beacon. Even a platoon leader who is not also in a squad leader position is unable to place the beacon.
    2. See #1.
    3. It will show as the last ability on your # hotbar. If you are playing a class with a lot of abilities (for example, an engineer with an underbarrel launcher), it will still be the last hotkey, but may not appear on the graphic HUD. The HUD only has slots for 6 weapon/abilitys. 7 still works to select it, however.
    Additionally, the beacon has to be placed in outside locations, with no (low height) over-hangs.
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