
Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by Nocturn0l, Jan 5, 2014.

  1. Nocturn0l

    After PU2, it seems impossible to hit anything beyond 50 meters with dumbfired lock-ons. It feels like the rocket is flying through water, at some it drops out of the air like a stone.

    I'm not sure this is supposed to be this way. I know they lowered the muzzle velocity, but i thought the acceleration was increased to compensate for that?

    Before the patch you could reliably hit targets at 300 meters, the projectiles were pretty fast and the drop was low and more or less constant. Now it's the complete opposite.

    And this after Heavies already got the LMG hip fire nerf and the NW+resist nerf.

    So what do you think, is this acutally supposed to be this way, or did something go wrong(which is not unlikely)?
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  2. Schwak

    What launcher were you using pre PU2 as a dumbfire?
  3. Gav7x

    When i got the phoenix ae from the anniversary pack i havent touched any other launchers exept for the anti air lock on sometimes to deal with libs, but i remember pre patch it had much faster speed then normal dumbfires, but after patch it is a million times slower then before
  4. Scophis

    The acceleration only kicks in if you actually use the lock-on.

    I think it's fine the way it is now. You can still dumpfire at short/medium range. If you want a dumpfire-launcher at bigger range you will have to use a dedicated launcher (even if it's still hard to use them at larger distance)
    Or simply switch between AA and AV launcher.

    If i remember correctly the dumpfire of lock-on launcher had an even higher drop some month ago.
  5. Nocturn0l

    The AA lock ons, they were lightning fast

    I always thought it was a fair trade, to lose the damage of the dedicated dumbfires for more accuracy
  6. Scophis

    You're right, that's what the lock-on is for ;)
  7. Schwak

    It was a bug that started a couple months back that made the travel time the same no matter if it was dumbfired or locked. The velocity was suppose to be 100m/s when dumbfired but the bug made it travel the locked speed which is (I'm guessing) around twice the speed of the intended dumbfire version.
  8. Nocturn0l

    Well, was it ever declared a bug? I can't remember there has ever been a notice and it didn't get fixed for months.

    Which is too bad because once again, lock on launchers suck balls now.
  9. Schwak

    Hey you are lucky you can even dumbfire them, and no they don't suck balls lol. Launchers aren't suppose to be a one man destroyer weapon and frankly G2A launchers doing (40% or 60% I can't remember) of an ESFs health is just too damn high. Against tanks G2G launchers do a sizable portion of the HP especially when you get nailed in the tail.
  10. Nocturn0l

    Nah, they suck.
    It takes 3 G2A rockets to kill an ESF and they mostly have flares, so it's more like 4-5 rockets.

    And if you fire all your 5 rockets on a tank, the tank is still at 1/3 health or even more, depends on the tank.
  11. Schwak

    Like I said before, it's not suppose to be a one man death machine. Let me remind you that we are playing a MMO where large battles consist of sometimes 200+ people. Frankly I feel that 3 G2A rockets is OP when you think of potential numbers and the amount of damage that flak does to ESFs. When balancing you have to consider everything not just the weapon at hand.

    I'm going to assume you are wrong and that a simple test in the VR would prove that. I doesn't take 15 rockets to kill a tank, it takes about 7-8 (on the front armor) I'm pretty sure.
  12. Nocturn0l

    I don't know, ESFs are kinda like a one man death machine, and so are prowlers, vanguards and lightnings.

    Yeah, as i said, 5 rockets leaves a tank at roughly 1/3 health, more if it's a vanguard.
  13. FateJH

    At medium range, to hit a tank at roughly the same altitude as yourself, you must do the following:
    1. Acquire the target tank
    2. Re-aim
      1. aim so high that you can't see it in the reticle
      2. aim higher than the dorito
      3. compensate for movement (still not actually aiming at tank)
    3. Fire and pray
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  14. SevenTwo

    I think HA dumbfire launchers have gotten adjusted to mainly be close to medium-close weapons due to the velocity changes. It's pretty difficult hitting targets far off, but with some practice you can land shots on at least stationary targets by taking the rocket drop into account.

    All in all I guess that it is a fair enough change, considering all Empires have access to 250 and 1000 cert "long range" options (not sure if the Striker is worth it, but it's there at least) for dealing with armour, with the trade-off being less damage per shot. It levels the field between armour and HA a bit, making it safer to sit a bit out in your vehicle without being massively spammed by lightning accurate rocket fire.
  15. LibertyRevolution

    If your trying to hit far away armor targets use the engineer AV turret, that is the go to for long range AV option.
  16. Prudentia

    I used the Hades (G2G) alot after the patch, it now has the highst splash, so it's more effective against infantry and still 2 shots MAXes. And i didn't really notice any problem with hitting far away targets.
  17. Ceskaz

    Sorry to tell you that, but every RL have the same splash damage of 1000 inside a 0.5 meter radius.... And I think that the G2G are now the slowest when dumbfired
  18. Prudentia

    Yes, but the G2G has 6m outer splashdamage while all other rockets (without exception) have 5m with exactly the same damage values. This translates into more splash damage at 5m compared to the others. Just check ther ingame stats instead of saying something wrong
  19. Ceskaz

    If you want to play the pedant game, well, your previous statement had a poor choise of words. I'm curious how much damage you get at 5 meters with a G2G launcher. I will try.
  20. Prudentia

    people complain about 45 bullets more per minute that VS and NC CQC Carbines have compared to TR ones with their 40 bullets so 1m more splash is compared to that not really pedantic :p