Dumbfire Velocity

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Klypto, Jun 17, 2014.

  1. gnometheft

    Maybe a straight resistance to dumbfires on vehicles would be justified if dumbfire velocity was increased. Even if it helped the player make more shots, which does translate to DPS, that solution would still make it less effective at close range. In which case I believe damage fall off might be another justified tweak to the dumbfires. Adjust damage according to range.
  2. Takoita

    Make the rocket less 'fat'?

    Would make it harder to hit small squishy humans running around - both when firing point-blank without aiming and at extreme distances - but will make next to no impact against vehicles.
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  3. MorganM

    I don't really see the point. New players need to get closer to use the dumbfire accurately. They need to use base turrets. They should be saving up for a lock-on because that's the actual medium to long distance solution. Gives them goals to strive for and keep playing. They should be saving up for 2 C4 or an AV turret. Or better yet buy a Anni or AV turret with SC and help support the game =)

    Default launchers are fine IMHO. New players need more experience with them and they will be fine. They will figure out how to lead targets, hit vehicles at 20 to 50 meters, hit hovering aircraft, just like the rest of us did. In fact I still switch to mine frequently; even over my Decimator. It's still quite effective in that zone that's just too far for the Decimator to be accurate yet not far enough to warrant a lock-on. The drop and velocity is significantly better than the Decimator.

    Acceleration of the rockets is annoying to me. By the time it actually kicks in it's useless; the target moved or it dropped so much. Makes leading and aiming at a distance harder because now you have to try and factor in acceleration that will kick in at a certain distance that you may not actually know.
  4. Ronin Oni

    Eh, Dumbfire is one of my main Anti-Tank RPG's for any faction.

    Decimator is waaaaaaay to slow for anything but point blank type ranges and usually just used for the extra damage vs MAXes.

    I don't have Anni or any G2G lock-ons (only 250.. but meh)

    I use Phoenix/Lancer/Striker when the terrain and engagement ranges are just right for them (Lancer for very long range, Striker for clear fields, Phoenix when under 300m and good cover to fire from behind)

    Otherwise I use my default a lot. Even shoot it up at ESF's and Libs and getting a lil better at that.

    I would loooove increased velocity. Mobile Tanks will make it more necessary actually, though I think Mag will need a strafe speed increase.

    Would prefer dumbfire velocity increase over a MBT main canon decrease, that's for sure.
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  5. asmodraxus

    Increase velocity might be good to for low level BR's to combat tanks

    But at the cost of un-aimed CoF goes through the roof, to combat the HA rocket primary's
  6. phreec

    Increased velocity along with reduced splash and direct hit damage against infantry would be the best thing happening to launchers since launch.
  7. Chazt

    If you doubled the current velocity maybe those new players would actually be able to hit things. I mean really, seeing thirty heavy assaults fire their shrikes at a sundy and miss is depressing.