Dual Mercies as "cheap" as Scattercannons?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by hawken is better, Apr 5, 2013.

  1. GSZenith

    mercies req aim, scatt/hack don't.
  2. Ganelon

    Isn't dual Cosmos about equal?
  3. Antich

    That is BS.
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  4. Zamos

  5. Konfuzfanten

    Dual Mercy MAX are fine, yea they are tough to fight, but not like the NC MAX's.

    And ofc ignoring that NC MAXs got insane frontloaded dmg.

    As vanu i call BS. TR MAX with double mercy is not even close to instagib anything at 5 meters. Yea they hurt but you can still pop out, shot the rocket, and dodge away without getting killed/shields instantly gone unlike the NC MAX.
  6. Beartornado

    Another person who hasn't used scatt/hack.
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  7. GSZenith

    using scatt/matt, camp door, click the moment someone walks in, collect certs :), got bored after 10min, only pulling it when really needed.
    edit: sorry for ruin your illusion that nc max take skills :)
  8. SinerAthin

    Dual Mercies are actually fine.

    A Heavy Assault will still outgun them at long-range, ironically.

    The problem is that the VS(and the NC as well) lack competetive auomatic medium range weapons. The Nebula and Cosmos doesn't really stand up against the Mercy.
  9. Niller

    They nerfed hacksaws, stop complaining people, you got what you want.
  10. Plunkies

    That video really highlights the difference between an 8-10 meter range and a 30 meter range. That mercy is BEHIND his infantry, collecting kills, laying fire support, not taking the brunt of damage and not eating every single c4 thrown through a doorway. For an NC max to be that effective he has to be on top of the enemy, in front of his teammates, taking extra risks and having less versatility. Post nerf NC max has all of the risks, all of the downsides, and slim few advantages to make up for it.
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  11. Laraso

    Above average? The majority of players must suck hard then, because what he did would require little to no effort.
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  12. BeefySleet

    Not NEARLY enough. Infact the RoF decrease could be considered a buff because it prevents overfiring accidentally and wasting ammo. Not to mention the Mattock was buffed so it it now a much more viable mid range weapon.

    TR/VS received no CQC buff, but NC got a mid-range buff while also still absolutely destroying everything in CQC.
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  13. Leo Di Caprio

    Oh look, who would have figured this out except people who actually play the game, not devs of course.

    So the scatter gets nerfed and we have the mercies (known to be the best long and mid range damages to stay the same), hope is lost.
  14. BeefySleet

    No max has any viable "long range" capability. Mercies are inaccurate as hell. Med. Range stayed the same (mediocre). NC had their mid-range buffed to be as viable, if not more viable than TR/VS equivalent.

    You had a slight ROF reduction which could be considered a buff as I stated above and lost an extra round in your magazine. You still melt EVERYTHING instantly in close range.
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  15. Leo Di Caprio

    Uh, here is some Mercy action, as was said hmmm... oh yeah, 4 months ago.

    Yet, scats got nerfed.
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  16. Leo Di Caprio

    Long meaning? 100 meters? check the mercy video.

    Every weapon and vehicle has different concepts of long and short range.
  17. BeefySleet

    I watched the first two minutes, there were dozens of enemies on screen and he got like 2 kills. Not impressive.

    It's very difficult to hit any enemies with any form of consistency, or enough at least to get a kill without them moving out of your line of fire at even 50m, let alone 100. Also keep in mind that Mercy's were quietly toned down a bit a few months ago - this video was made in december, alot has changed since then.
  18. Leo Di Caprio

    2 kills? hahahaha.

    By second 25 he has 2 kills, and by act of God he hasn't gotten the last shots on the rest of the other scores, it is still not the point.

    The gun hits hard at range, why was the scat nerfed? the only thing that should have happened is a VS buff, now your max is God mode with the mercies, why? because of range.
  19. BeefySleet

    Again, you have this weird notion that ANY max's are good at range... protip: they aren't. They will get outgunned by an HA every time from long range because they can ADS.

    TR Max godmode? Please share what you are smoking because I'm quite sure you're the only one who shares that sentiment. How many "nerf TR/VS max" threads do you see in comparison to "nerf scatmax" threads? Where theres smoke theres fire. NC Max is still the best max out there by a WIDE margin.
  20. Zan_Aus

    Dual Mercies are fine. Sure they grind up infantry but its a MAX and you still have time to duck backwards under cover unlike the scatmax where you don't even have time to press a key.

    Dual Mercies vs dual Cosmos is actually a decent fight with both players having a chance to win.
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