Dual Falcons are fun

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by sodopro, Jan 11, 2014.

  1. sodopro

    I never used the "old" falcons, though a certain forumsider's gifs made me want to.

    I recently bought the second falcon, and I have decided that they are fantastic.

    The things one-shot most infantry (by that I mean firing both arms) and are fantastic short range AV weapons, especially combined with the Aegis shield. (Fire, pull shield, reload, lower shield, fire, etc)

    Your opinions?
  2. Taemien

    I prefer the dual raven set up. They work much better for vehicles that are a distance away and you get more leeway on infantry if you don't hit on the first shot. Though I haven't given them a serious run lately as an AI weapon to really make a total judgement on them, so my opinion could change there.
  3. Nexus545

    I usually roll with them against infanrty if I'm out in the open since the scatter cannons are terrible.