Drug-Induced Rambling: FPS Finance and Planetside

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by belthazor3457, Nov 7, 2015.

  1. belthazor3457

    *yawns* Right. So. How yall feel bout some talking about money and its relation to PS2 for a few minutes?

    There. Kay. Whatever. Insert pandering here.
  2. kesuga7

    man those were some TERRIBLE vanu in the biolab lol

    If you think Ps2 balancing running investments is no bueno , you should have seen MechWarrior online , people bought 25$ Single "Hero mechs" with unique loadouts specifically because they were completely overpowered at the time (Although not overpowered directly , it was a weapon that was overpowered and this hero mech that allowed said overpowered loadouts"

    Then balancing came 3 months later after horrible matches that composed 90% of these said overpowered purchase only hero mechs and of course said customer was outraged after their mech was nerfed
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