Dropping Purple Smoke (DPSO)

Discussion in 'Helios (US West)' started by NaoShareen, Mar 27, 2013.

  1. NaoShareen

    You've either been on the receiving end of our might, or been amidst the juggernaut spewing purple smoke as it conquers Auraxia.

    We've flushed our ranks recently and no longer boast of having massive numbers, but possessing some of the best that the Vanu can offer. Take a look at the Planet Side 2 Universe's Outfit Leaderboard. The member numbers are lower, but our potency is now concentrated.

    If you're new, we'll get train you, if you're a veteran, we'll put your skills to the test on the front line.

    Our Platoons are organized with military precision and are composed of not only our members, but visitors from other notable Outfits.

    We also communicate and coordinate with our Vanu allies in massive contintent and cross-contitenent battles.

    Not only all that, but we often partake in Events against notable Outfits of our Enemy factions in competition to test our metal by clashing horns.

    Visit our website purplesmoke.info for more information.
    • Up x 1

    Good group of guys. Every time the VS start giving us trouble, these guys are usually to blame :p
  3. JaxsonFive

  4. JaxsonFive

    Not sure what happened, but DPSO was removed from your list within the hour.

    EDIT: And...it's back.
  5. Maelios

    DPSO deserves respect. Everything that they do advances not only Vanu organization but forces the other factions to adapt. They are what this game needs. I am they outfit leader of a smaller yet still notable outfit and I can tell you these guys are some of the best.
  6. Craugh

    Where do you post complaints with DPSO members? Nothing on your website that's public. I can register if need be.
  7. N1ghtFeather

    I don't know if you still check this, as you guys were moved to connery, but I am thinking about joining you guys. I was with TPLR before, and prefer a more tactical/elite outfit! I saw your website, and you guys/gals seem perfect for me!