[BUG] Drop Pod bouncing

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DJPenguin, May 3, 2014.

  1. DJPenguin

    http://www.twitch.tv/ gloriousdjpenguin/c/4185051

    Quickly started streaming to archive mid-bug so i only caught the end of it but basically i hit the edge of a biolab air pad and this happened 3 times before finally getting launched to the edge of the map. You can quickly see @ 24 seconds me hitting the ground for the last time. Was listening to Sabaton at the time hence the randomness of the soundtrack.

    (need to link the url together cause this forum hates twitch)
  2. nonrg1

    just today i was marching towards snake ravine and i saw a tr drop pod about 50 meters in front of me and just bounce straight back up for some reason. it was funny atleast
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  3. Tommyp2006

    It's my current favorite bug to watch happen, it's hilarious to see every time, though it is very frustrating when it happens to you. It seems to happen the most often when you hit a small point, like the tip of an antenna or a railing.
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  4. NCstandsforNukaCola

    Here is another clip for this!

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  5. kadney

    If at least there would be such an interesting looking place up there in the sky.. :rolleyes:
  6. Verviedi

    Happened to me on Wednesday.
    The pod reversed direction in midair, made me fly up to 15000 meters, fell down, bounced all the way to the NC Arsenal taking me up to 20000 meters, then bounced across the map AGAIN. I redployed after hitting 50,000 meters after that bounce.
  7. Owen W.

    This should stay in the game. It doesn't happen to often and is quite hilarious (in my oppinion) ^^
  8. z1967

    Once I was drop podding in to a Biolab and hit an antenna. It caused something similar to this and I hit a lib. Shame he/she/clegg was a friendly :|
  9. Booface

    It's unfortunate. I like to put squad beacons right under antennas so we can get snipers or engies on the top of them. It can be hard to get there, and now you can't do it anymore because if the drop pod actually hits the antenna it'll just bounce up forever. Someone on the dev team hates fun, because it started doing this around the same time they made it so you can't put tank mines on air pads and 4 C-4 on a Wraith Flash no longer kills a Sunderer.
  10. MarkAntony

    Fun times!
  11. GaBeRock

    Happened to me once, but I didn't care because I caught the base cap and immediately redeployed anyways. It was actually pretty cool, like I was returning to the space station.
  12. 99ytrewq911

    Happened to someone in my platoon today...I kinda hope they don't fix this bug. Its a nice token when you find it.