Drastic changes are needed

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by VSSSSSSSSFTW, Jan 25, 2013.


    2:Change the map to a circular shape with each faction spread out evenly.
    3:Remove all farming maps like allatum and crown etc.
    4:Remove -10% resource boost for capping the map and change it to 30000 exp gain for success cap.
    5:Make the map 30% smaller and minus 3000 exp for losing tech plant and 1000 exp for the rest.
    6: Don't add anymore new maps as its getting bad with the declining of players.
  2. LanceHavenbay

  3. TheAppl3


    edit: -50 actually
    • Up x 2

    So players who doesn't cares about helping the team get away with it and watch the declining of players day after day?
  5. PsychoBat

    Well, we could also turn the continents upside down and make everyone's heads eight times bigger to get more population but I think it would help just as much as your suggestions.
  6. FateJH

    So, basically:


    Ok as you wish and soon few servers will be hardly medium during peak soon and empty during non peak,
  8. Azren

    1. Pointless
    2. They are tiny as it is, you want to decrease them even more? Seriously...
    3. You have GOT to be kidding. Those places are the only bit of fun there is in the whole game. Playing defense should be rewarding everywhere, not just at bio labs and crown. If anything, we need many more locations like that.
    4. LOL! I see NO WAY that could be abused, NONE at all! LOL! It is amazing how shortsighted you are. I will give you this much: the 10% bonus really is a joke, but it can stay until we can finally lock continents.
    5. Again, did you put any thought into this? Make the already small maps even smaller? Never mind that, but punush players for a failed defense? You have no idea what you are talking about. All this would do is FORCE everyone to go with the zerg and NOBODY would defend at all.
    6. Now I am positive that you do not know what Planetside is all about. Go back to COD...
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  9. FateJH

    Most continents lock far too easily on some servers to justify such absurd experience rewards. Maps like Indar on Helios - which has never been successfully locked by any of the factions - are the exceptions.

    If you re-read OP from a different perspective, this could be a halfway clever troll post.
  10. Bloodmyth

    Wish there was a rate down option right now, this muppet deserves some negative voting ;)

  11. maxkeiser

    Is this a joke?
  12. Hodo

    Son, we love you, but everyone here sees you have a problem. You need to stop using those bath salts, they are destroying your brain. Consider this an intervention by people who love you.
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  13. wrenched

    seriously circular shape is a great idea

    like a pie
  14. Doodles89

    Make the MAP SMALLER?!

    This argument (along with the Nerf tanks and Air) needs to stop.

    GO THE HELL BACK TO CALL OF DUTY. ugh... this is getting really annoying.

    make the maps HUGE, merge multiple servers, and incentivize MOAR VEHICLES to take the PLANETSIDE!
  15. GamerOS

    - 2*w+1

    Silly troll is silly.