Double XP this weekend during MLG?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Exoz, Jun 27, 2013.

  1. Exoz

  2. Kunavi

    How about Double SC to go with it? :O C'mon... >.>
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  3. NinjaTurtle

    Think bigger dude, triple SC.... and triple xp :D
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  4. Rogueghost

    If there is going to be triple sc, the most likely date is july 4th.
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  5. Stew360

  6. Stew360

    I like this one THINk BIG OSTI
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  7. FateJH

    Where is this MLG and how do I avoid it?
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  8. ghnurbles

    Double XP during event weekends is not uncommon.
  9. Nocturnal7x

    Fcukin noobs, always ruining the game for us @yolo @swag @mlg @360 @420 @noscope @boomheadshot pro 1337 players. Get out muh game. When you 1337 as us its always double xp. nubs.
  10. Nocturnal7x

    Battle islands, coming to a server near you.
  11. goodzack

    I’d just like to note that having one of these bad boys whenever there’s a double XP weekend is A-MAZ-ING! Those kinds of things happen during holidays...*cough* Like maybe the one that is coming up in a week or so. *cough* ;)

    he is clearly hinting july 4th not this weekend
  12. Cl1mh4224rd

    Luperza is a she. ;)
  13. Kunavi

    Auraxium Sub, +XP Boost, other bonuses... Who needs a 2XP event? What we NEED is double SC or more ;Ppp NUDGENUDGEPOKEPOKE!!!!!
  14. Pikachu

    Must have double station cash now when we have so many vehicle cosmetic slots.
  15. SgtScum

    Yep. I refuse to buy any more $C and will cancel off 47 of my accounts until we get another $C sale. :mad:
  16. RobotNinja

    In celebration of the two people in MLG who are interested in PS2?

    There's so much buzz and excitement on the MLG forums concerning PS2 that there are 6 whole threads about it on their forums and 3 of those threads weren't "Forum Rules" posted by moderators!
  17. Ash87

    I think the double or triple XP is going to be on the 4th, along with a SC sale (Which blows, for some reason the last few SC sales and Double XP weekends, have been weekends that I was busy IRL)
  18. ent|ty

  19. St0mpy

    cant you find 2 minutes at a pc to buy some? you dont have to log into the game client to buy sc
  20. Ash87

    Yeah, but if I'm busy I usually forget about it, and when it comes to the double XP, I usually just don't get to play because I'm out.

    First world problems lol. Not getting pissy about it, just always seems to happen when I have something to do.