Double XP becomes Normal XP? Thoughts?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Spec_Ops729, Dec 8, 2012.

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  1. Ennkay

    I've thought about how progression works in ps2 and I've decided it instantly becomes more palatable when viewed under a different lens. Compare the time investment on unlocks and character progressions to an MMORPG and it instantly becomes more reasonable. We're just too used to multiplayer FPSes like BF3/COD/whathaveyou just throwing progression at us very quickly getting you to 'end game' very quickily. Think of how long it would take you to gear out a Mage in vanilla WoW and this is standard faire.
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  2. MadSwag

    SOE wants you to sit and say "Man, this is some slow progression. Maybe I'll throw down $10 and save myself some time." They want you to do that over and over. This is a AAA game you downloaded for free and can play for free for as long as you want. I hate to throw this cliche around but people are starting to sound a little entitled. The goal of the company is to get free players to spend money on the game. Learn to have fun with the game without focusing so much on the progression, and you'll have a much better time.
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  3. I'm behind you

    WoW continually makes progression easier because it's continually adding content, and has been for the past eight years. Planetside 2 on the other hand hasn't even been out for a month, let alone a year. XP rates will likely be tweaked in the future to help ease newer players in, but for launch they're fine as is. XP distribution could do with some improvement (eg a more equal split between pilots and gunners) but the rates are currently acceptable.

    Did you even read my post? You know where I stated that WoW had hit 1 million CONCURRENT PLAYERS in China alone? Which is more than all the peak users of all those games combined?

    Also if you honestly believe there's no difference between a product that is largely offered free of charge and one that requires that you pay for it then you truly are delusional and it's you that needs to get the **** out.

    Exactly, at the end of the day PS2 is a product and SOE a business. Some people seem to forget that. Free players do absolutely nothing for their bottom line, they are essentially dead weight that are dredged up with the whales that feed them. If SOE didn't have a mechanism for encouraging people to put money into the game there wouldn't be a game. Make progression too fast and who's going to pay for unlocks when a short amount of grinding will get what they want?
  4. TheScapegoat

    I'd like to see some form of rested XP, 1 hour of double xp every 24 hours as a way to encourage repeat daily login. Make it a recurring boost that is SC purchasable
  5. Hunter_Killers

    "following the launch of its new expansion pack"

    Did you even read what you googled?
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  6. mercc1

    It is not lol... Most can play just fine with defaults, unfair ? you are getting a game for FREE if anything it is unfair to them that you are too cheap to put in a couple bucks for a few guns. that you will actually use rather than paying upfront 60 bucks to get everything you prob wont use and then pay for expansions (updates)...
  7. IshanDeston

    Its not just a couple bucks and i would prefer paying upfront to get everything, instead of getting 10 guns, 20 customization items or 15 camos for that price, or any combination of it that totals up to 60. Like 4 guns and 4 helmets, 1 set of rims, 1 set of wheels, 2 armors and a complete set of camo for vehicles and infantery.

    Seriously, i much rather would pay 60 up front in Guildwars or Battlefield style and have everything and play as much as i like. And then in 3 months from now i am paying for some expansion that introduces the Harrasser and a couple other cool items. Which i... again,... would have all available to me instantly.

    A month of DCU membership at least gave you access to everything. Here? Not so much.
  8. overcorpse

    So you don't pay for a sub which gives you an XP gain boost and you have contributed a grand sum of $15.Tell me,how long have you spent in total playing this game for your $15?2,3,5 days?Your able to play a pretty good FPS for Nothing and still that's not enough for you?
    Planetside 2 is a product made by a company and said company wants a return on its investment.Its not going to make a profit on its investment if the company gives all the stuff away for free.Christ,its basic economics for god sake.How people fail to comprehend this is staggering.
  9. BobJohnson

    There is more money to be made in this game then just by the subscription fee and boosts. League of Legends is a highly successfull game and the vast majority of their store is focused on cosmetic changes to your character(s). You convince people to pay by 1st giving them something they enjoy and then secondly by offering them something they want.

    You will not get to the second part without the first and if the grind feels low enough to impair their enjoyment most will never get to the part about spending money.
    This is why League of Legends is so successful, nothing about the game play is effected by your willingness to pay money so the game is made for you to enjoy, but people chose to spend money because the experience is already enjoyable.

    Vanilla WoW is no longer standard, like I pointed out in a previous post. Blizzard has lessened the time it takes to get a brand new level 1 character to to raiding material by an enormous amount, and like I said, they've become even more successful because of it.

    MMORPGs live and die by their grindiness, which is why you now have games like Guild Wars 2 that boost you up to max level when you PvP, or give you gear for free.

    The progression is only one element of the game, it is not the end all be all of the content of this game. As the developers have stated time and time again, the content of PS2 is player driven. Allowing for easier xp gains allows for players to be more willing to create said content instead of going to a tech plant to farm kills in the door ways or to rocket pod spawn areas.
    This weekend with the double exp I've seen things I had never seen before, tech plants being defended in entirely different ways, tons of AA MAXes pushing along roads with troops and tanks, massive amounts of back capping, etc... People were willing to create this new content, these new experience because the rewards they offered were more justifiable.
    The RPGish elements of the game isn't the only content to be had. Lessening the dependency on the RPGish element can help to bring the other aspects of the game like team work, player driven content and fun more to the forefront.

    How can people to fail to understand that there is more money to be made then by simply manipulating and creating a demand for xp by restricting it's supply?
    No one is saying that it's wrong for SoE to make money off of this game and anyone who thinks that is what this thread is about is ignorant.
    The thread is about peoples enjoyment with the current product and their enjoyment is directly related to how much money they will spend on the game. You don't sell a product by 1st showing someone how crappy the current product is, and then offering for a price to "fix it" (xp boosts). You give them an enjoyable experience IN ALL AREAS OF THE GAME and then expand upon it.
    As of right now the cert acquisition is not an enjoyable area of the game and because of this it is leading to repetitive content such as 90% of the servers inside tech plants and bio labs or following the zerg to cap almost uncontested areas.

    This isn't the 1st thread about how long it takes to gain certs, but it is the 1st about how much more fun the game can be when xp isn't as restrictive as it has been. Yes, I can purchase a subscription and boosts to have it be like that all of the time for me, but I feel that it was because it was less restrictive on such a massive scale that the game was more enjoyable. After all, the content is player created. I as an individual can only help to create that content, more people are required to build and expand upon it. This weekend gave us the freedom to do so.
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  10. LeanV

    The TR bolt sniper rifles definitely involve direct upgrades.

    The (non .50 cal) 1000 cert bolt action is everything the 100 cert bolt sniper is, except it has almost negligible bullet drop over any distance and a much higher bullet velocity.
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  11. LeanV

    This. Especially when considering that the weapon you invested 50+ hours working towards gets hit with the nerf bat as soon as you spent your holiest of holy F2P 1000 certs.

    I'm also one of the free to play players who is TERRIBLE at this game, so 1000 certs was kind of a big deal. I wanted the HA AA Launcher because I found its versatility was invaluable even though it did 2/3 the damage of the normal rocket. For less damage, I was able to have better odds at hitting long range vehicle targets while also keeping friendlies safer by keeping ESF's at a distance.

    And then it got nerfed into the ground.

    Can someone please remind me why I should ever consider saving up for a 1000 cert weapon again?
  12. 4rt1ll3ry

    I have a different approach for "more certs." Have any of you played Tribes Ascend?
    You get generic XP for playing the game, but you also get specific XP on your weapons.

    Do something similar here. You get generic certs for everything you do in game. For specific things you do with weapons you can unlock specific things for the gun. You can get more things for what you like while still saving for other things.

    This would mean you could buy the upgrades for your weapons you use often without losing progress on big unlocks. But it still keeps you from getting everything quickly, you need to use everything if you want to unlock everything.
  13. Mietz

    And truth was spoken.

    I also want to remind people that this game relies on free players in an entirely different way than PVE F2P titles are.
    In PVE F2P games like STO the other players are but an ornament as they are the Massive in MMO. Except for raids there isn't any massive interaction between the players except for running around in the same environment.

    In Planetside 2 on the other hand players create the content directly not just through cooperation but also by being the enemy.

    Free players provide the content for this game and they need to be rewarded for it, because I -need- those free players to have something to kill and gain certs.

    We are all dependent on the XPs they provide and we can't afford to lose F2P players to grind, because then the population dwindles and I -personally- have no targets to shoot at.

    PS2 uniquely needs free players because it runs on large-scale engagements.
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  14. mercc1

    You are only ment to buy what you will actually use... not as much as possible...
    and actually it is like 1-2 dollars a gun and they have double and triple station cash days throughout the year that you can capitalize on ... they give you far too much. and a game like this cannot thrive off a 60 dollar range. If you really need the explanation why let me know I really just figured it was obvious.
  15. Warruz

    While for infantry for the most part true as their goal is the same to kill infantry . Vehicles present multiple roles with new weapons the lightning being the best example.
  16. Super3dcow

    If anything, XP for capturing bases needs to be increased. Right now it just feels like a chore to go capping them for minimal amounts of xp instead of fighting in a big battle somewhere and earning way more.
  17. I'm behind you

    Yes I do. Your mistake is acting like that even matters. Peak users is still peak users. And again for one region. Even without the new release WoW was likely hitting those kind of numbers internationally. Again, this for a game past its prime. So what was your point again?

    You just seem to be grasping at straws now.
  18. Hunter_Killers

    Go look up the population of China. They've had several games breaking 1 million concurrent users. It's not exactly surprising when you have over 1/6th of the worlds population. Tell me why anything you stated matters, at all.

    You already shot yourself in the foot acting like free users are doing nothing in a PvP only game. They are the game.
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  19. Cevera

    With 6month-sub and boosts I was able to get 60-80k xp/h as average during the weekend

    Was a nice cert boosts, but I think thats a bit too much to become "normal"
  20. IshanDeston

    And i would buy 3 camos for each of the Continents one, 3 for the guns (it sounds like they are different from vehicle and infantry), 3 Vehicle Camos. And since i have to have them in unlimited capacity so i can change them around we already talk about 9 of them.

    Then i want a Skyguard turret for my lightning, and because that one is obsolete against (and even for its intended purpose) anything that isn't air, i need another turret as well. In my case, i want an AP and HE turret.

    I already spend money on my MAX, to get a 2nd burster. And i would want to get the Gauss S eventually for my Medic, as its my prime character. And maybe the Gauss Compact S, because when i am driving a lightning i am doing so as Engineer.

    And then of course i want the Rim and tire Customization for my Flash. Why? Because i feel that, with Surger Chasi equipted it should get some badA tires.

    And then i most likely would want a Lock-On Rocketlauncher for Anti Tanks for my HA, because it does more damage to Tanks. For those situations when more than 4 HAs in the squad is needed, because as Medic i have awefully little to do and might as well change to HA.

    Then of course after Higbys statment that only Air will ever be an effective method against Air, i will need A2A rockets, maybe a Rotary Cannon (although arguebly 250 certs would be okay). And when i am tricking out a ESF anyway, i might as well go all in on it and get some Rocketpods as well. After all i am already having to invest the certs in an effective Anti Air solution.

    And thats just what i WOULD use on a regular basis. It doesn't include a useful Liberator gun (If flown the stock liberator with the stock gun, its pretty much useless, because you have to be way to accurate for way to little damage, as the piliot dodges enemy Aircraft and the like. Even with 2 Reaver guards to protect him). Nor new equipment for my sunderer and as squadleader i end up pulling one more often than i would like. It doesn't include any costomization options beyond the Camos for my Vehicles as well.

    I never get all that stuff for just 60 Bucks. In a game, where i pay 60 up front, i get all that stuff for 60 bucks and more. I get all the vehicle guns, i get all the camos, all the infantery guns. I might have to unlock them, but they don't make me play for 2 weeks every day, just to unlock 1 gun.

    And best yet, it would be available to me on every single server i join. Right now i am paying 7 bucks for a gun, and that gun will not be available on any other faction or server. I can't unlock Rocky Tundra camo and use it on my NC and VS char. No, i have to buy it twice. And since i am going to move to the US eventually, i am going to have to start over from scratch, investing all that money again, because you don't play FPS games with a ping of over 200 to your old server.

    The money they ask for, would be justified if it would be an account wide unlock. It would be still steep, but i would get it on all my chars. The certs they ask for, are outrageous.

    And i feel like i am moving at a snails pace with it. Despite being Premium member.
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