Dont you dare force us to buy more weapons for the harasser

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by Arghy, Apr 25, 2013.

  1. Greddy

    I had to buy Kobalt, for my flash, Sundere, and Prowler. 3 times.... why should harasser be any different? Besides, certs are in abundance, no need to use SC to get them.
  2. InvalidCast

    I agree OP. Especially considering we are likely going to get empire specific buggies in the near future. I already think it's crazy that they sell Sundy guns separately (front and back).
  3. Slyguy65

    Dude you guys need to stop kissing SOE's ***.

    They are not providing much quality...constant crashes, every "fix" comes with a new game breaking bug or forgets to fix the previous one. People have spent tons of money already. IN FACT.

    THere has yet to be ONE update that benefits EVERYONE as a whole (as in something that doesn't require SC to buy). The only crap they have been adding is Station cash BS.

    The max abilities will be the first true addition that will not require station cash. (Flash rumble seat is arguable since it wasn't much of an addition just a complimentary feature for an already existing item).

    The harasser should allow MBT secondaries to be shared just like classes share different weapons. If anyone honestly supports the idea that people should have to buy the EXACT same gun and spend even more certs for the same thing...ya you are idiotic.

    SOE is not hurting for money...they are hurting for quality.

    The more you support the current quality of the game the lazier you make them. I see constant texture tears and bugs every "fix" the patches they do are so half ***** some times its a joke especially when they ask for 7 dollars a gun that gets changed every other patch.

    And i know for a fact people have spend HUNDREDS on this game INDIVIDUALLY. I will stand by the opinion SOE is not hurting for money whatsoever when it comes to PS2, until they release some figures that say other wise, they need to improve the quality of the game, stop adding crap and revamping crap and just focus on fixing what they have...honestly the whole color change in general was idiotic play on their has caused nothing but grief, less of that and more of...well IDK they always take 1 step forward and 2 steps back, i guess they need to just make sure to only take 1 step back and 2 steps forward.
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  4. Armchair

    These changes are pretty crazy.

    Vulcan buggies and lockdown burster maxes? That will bring the 4th faction back to TR.
  5. MasterSith88

    Can't Lockdown when in the back of a buggy. I tried ;)

    You can go dual bursters with extended mags and a ranger on top for the best AA ingame.
  6. Puppy

    It's a seperate vehicle. It makes sense.
  7. Osskscosco

    Kobalts don't share between vehicles so i don't see why would these guns do.
  8. Tobax

    Cert purchases are that character only, SC purchases are shared.
  9. giltwist

    I don't know about all this cross-faction items, but I have no idea why I have to buy the same weapon twice to equip it twice on my Sunderer.
  10. gigastar

    Yeah... the Saron on a Harasser...

  11. InMedeasRage

    Yup, but when I cert out the Solstice SF on my Light Assault, the Solstice SF on the Engineer acquires the same upgrades (and is unlocked, full stop). Hopefully this holds true with some vehicle weapons that are turreted/co-axial/rear gun/etc.
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  12. Ebon

    Higby said on Twitter that ES weapons will most likely not be available on Harassers. Makes sense as no other NS vehicles have ES weapons.

    ES buggies though...

    On having to repurchase weapons specific to a vehicle if they follow the model for everything else, yeah you're going to have to repurchase if you want anything other than a Basilisk.