Don't Spend Money on This Game!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AlterEgo, Jul 16, 2015.

  1. n0pax

    Very proud to say I have about 1,000 hours playtime and I have never spent a penny on the game.

    The game's technical performance was the best in beta until the May/June 2015 patch. The servers performance has gone downhill ever since beta and never stopped. Emerald gives me a worse connection than Connery despite being from NYC.

    The game essentially requires players to play, if you are the only player online you should log off, this is established and accepted. Yet DBG leaves servers completely empty (my PS4 server has under 300 users at primetime, my PC servers of Soltech and Jaeger were dipping below 300 at primetime for months before merges) and does not input any funneling mechanic to enhance player density as their servers die off (either in terms of off peak hours or the massive decline month on month).

    I tried to roll characters on Connery and they all get automatically banned by some crazy anti-cheat for hacking.

    The core game is great, but it effectively launched as an Early Access title. If such a category existed back then I honestly do think they would have classified it as that. Ever since launch they have been trying to fix mistakes - redesigning terrible bases, making content useful (galaxies), changing the UI (look at the HUD from launch videos).

    It is a great game, but they've never been able to overcome their poor first year and as a result have been scrambling at best ever since. At their worst they have abandoned the game, Final Fantasy XI which enters a self proclaimed maintenance mode in a few months, receives 10 patches for every 1 patch this game receives. They just use their funds to develop the console ports to milk the game.

    I take a great deal of pride in never giving DBG a penny. The core game is quite possibly the greatest multiplayer game I have ever played, but the support and management post-launch has unarguably been the worst of any game I have ever seen. That would normally be fine, but in a game that requires a vast number of other players, not like CS or CoD or even Battlefield where 100 players can make game(s), it just does not fly.