DONT nerf the HA

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by patrykK1028, Aug 21, 2014.

  1. patrykK1028

    I have no idea why so many people want to nerf HA. They are meant for killing and shield is the tool that lets them do that. Nerfing it/ taking away is like nerfing/ taking away revive tool from medic....
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  2. Whatupwidat

    Only people calling for the nerf are people who think they should be able to 1v1 the primary combat class.

    Basically - idiots.
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  3. \m/SLAYER\m/

    Every class meant for killing, and medic have healing ability, infiltrator has cloak etc.
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  4. SharpeShooter

    sadly that's not the case! What sucks is not that they win 1v1 head on fights its the fact they can win even when they get flanked, all they need to do is hit their panic button and turn around and start shooting! There is no skill in that!

    It should be nerfed to the point that a HA still wins front on assaults but when they get flanked they cant just switch their shield on and expect to win!

    Also there is no "primary combat class" each class was introduced into the game at the same time and each class has a different role to play! If anything Light assault is the main "assault class" because thats the class you always start as!
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  5. IamnotAmazing

    new flash, if you jump a heavy and loose you're bad! WOW WHO WOULD'VE GUESSED?
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  6. Nexus545

    HA ha sa rocket launcher and an LMG for killing power. If you take the medics tool away it can't heal or revive, it's not the same thing,

    Awaiting thread lock....
  7. Whatupwidat

    Nope nope nope.

    Light Assaults are a FLANKING FORCE. That's what we do. It's what we're best at. Getting to places the enemy doesn't want us and being a pain in the ****.

    Heavy Assaults are the FRONT LINE - broken edge of the bottle, the PBI, the ground pounders, the meat thrown at the enemy grinder.

    If you're playing either of these classes in any other way - congratulations, you do not understand the game :)
  8. SharpeShooter

    /sigh did you think up that response all on your own? good for you!

    With that line of arguing you can claim anything thats introduced into the game is fine!
  9. SharpeShooter

    Like I said the HA should be the winner in front on fights! However, they should not have a panic button they can press to deny flankers kills! All the shield does (in its current iteration) is protect people from poor placement.
  10. Whatupwidat


    What about Medics? In my experience the medic self-heal tool is MUCH more effective than the shield. Medics have faster firing weapons that can be reliably hip-fired, AND they can move at full speed while it's on. But they're /not/ OP?

    Please explain :)
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  11. Zenanii

    Yes, but HA and LA are the only classes who can ONLY kill, LA trade survivability for mobility which leaves HA with the only role of being a pure fighting unit. As such, it makes sense for it to beat every other class in a "fair" 1v1.
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  12. Whatupwidat

    Thank you sir for getting "it" :)
  13. SharpeShooter

    if you truly think that the medics AOE heals are as powerful as a HAs shield in a 1v1 fight then you clearly haven't played/fort against each class long enough to create a proper opinion.
  14. SharpeShooter

    indeed but to get away from a flanking maneuver or indeed to return fire and kill the attacker due to their shield is not beneficial to the game.
  15. Axehilt

    Honestly having a primary combat class is an awkward balance which deprives the game of depth. If all classes were balanced evenly in fights (but with distinct playstyles and support utility) then each encounter will be an interesting skill vs. skill matchup where every little bit of skill you accumulate and use matters. If one class is overpowered, then skill doesn't matter as much: one player just stomps the other with the overpowered thing. Far less interesting.
  16. DatVanuMan

    Wrong. Many HAs are simply more focused on their part of "KILL ANYTING DAT STANDS IN HEAVYS WAY" and therefore will usually react faster when they receive damage. Flanking a Heavy is the way to go, but you must also get close. Don't expect to kill him 20 meters away with a PDW. It just can't happen.
  17. SharpeShooter

    I have nearly 100k kills I know whats possible and whats not! A heavy assaults react no faster than any other class! being a heavy assault doesn't make you react faster! You don't have to get close to a heavy to kill it! in fact getting close is not always the best option! Its all down to the weapon you have and indeed aim!
  18. Arsonix

    The HA power creep has gotten out of hand. Most HA's run crossbows with sensor darts since they are the class with almost no use for a pistol sidearm and I'm getting sick of HA's being able to throw concussion grenades at their own feet while using the implant that blocks their effects so he can rack up huge killstreaks on disabled players.

    SOE has been granting this class too many toys of late to just ignore their old overpowered abilities. Something should be done to bring the HA back down to a reasonable state.
  19. DatVanuMan

    I love how you place an exclamation mark at the end of each sentenceXD But really, it all comes down to skill. Who will win? A BR25 LA with a Razor, or a BR10 with a T9?
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  20. SharpeShooter

    I do tend to use exclamation marks a lot lol. When it comes down to skill though the HA needs less as it can take more damage! on a 1v1 the LA has to go for head shots. all the HA needs to do is go for chest shots and hope the LA misses one or two bullets.