Dont mean to complain but....(shotguns)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Desann, Mar 27, 2013.

  1. MurderBunneh

    I hope it gets nerfed. But I will farm 4k certs this weekend during 2x xp before it does.
  2. Jube

    It's must for you to have and learn to use all the different types of weapons available to you. Get a pump shotty and learn to use it. I use the weapon that is appropriate for the area I intend to go. If it's inside a building it's a shotty, if out on the hilltops it's the LMG.

    In fact a shotty is even effective against those infamously OP ScatterMaxes as it will reduce their shields quickly and make it possible to take them down at close quarters. Get a team of heavies together armed with shotties, throw your concussion nades in there and you can make short work of them.
  3. Jezs

    Last I tried, you can't do **** to someone who's at the other end of a room in a biolab if you have a shotgun.
  4. smokemaker

    Love the shotguns.
    Love 1 hit kill mechanics as well.
    I vote no change.
    Nerf the nerfers!!!
  5. XDDante

    you maybe enjoy it but you ruin the fun for others...
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  6. smokemaker

    I could not care less about the gaming experience of others.
    I am here for me only.

    If people spent more time on fighting and figuring out ways to beat shotgun users as they do on their nerfing threads, one would see shotguns are not all that bad.
  7. jak

    Sorry, you're not getting 1 hit by shotguns at 20m unless they're slugs. You're also not getting 2 hit by shotguns at 20+ unless they're slugs.

    With buckshot, pump action isn't going to 1 hit you at 10m most often. Within 7m, there's a good chance. Within 5m, you're toast. That being said, pump actions are too strong.

    I'm not going to even bring up the non-pump action shotguns because they're perfectly balanced and have no business being in any nerf discussion.
  8. Rhyl

    Slug rounds + Headshot + Scope. Also classes that don't have access to them are pretty screwed in most engagements. So perhaps they should give us all shotguns? But then if shotguns are fine. Then why is the advice "Everyone use one"?
  9. ThePackage

    Firstly, If you're using slugs you're only hurting yourself. I agree every class should have access to some form of shotgun, especially after their massive nerfs from beta.

    The advice is "everyone use one" because of the range of engagement in PS2 like I said earlier. It's easy to force close engagements if you are halfway decent, and nearly every capture point is inside small areas.

    It isn't a problem with shotguns, it's a problem with base layout and the location of capture points. Shotguns are completely useless outside 25 metres, and only really good inside 10.
  10. LanceHavenbay

    I do not really think the shotguns 1 hit kill are OP. BUT they should have their range SIGNIFICANTLY reduced. Nearly every base requires being... inside the base. Shotgun is dominant hands down. Especially for anything short or a HA or a MAX. Shotguns need to have effectiveness drop dramatically after 4meters.
  11. Rhyl

    In my opinion it is a problem with shotguns and not just shotguns pump shotguns. I have no issue with the semi-automatics. In my opinion the balance prior to the pump shotguns was fine. The pump shotguns out perform the semi-autos which ARE balanced. Again, my beef isn't with all shotguns. Just a specific type.
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  12. LanceHavenbay

    To top that off, most* infantry engagements occur in or near a base. Shotgun is always within 10m.
  13. Mindcrime

    Slugs are terrible and literally cut your TTK in half under ~10 meters or so. If they're using slugs get within 5 meters of them and you will kill them everytime. Even with a SMG modded for cqc. If you sneak up on a pump thats not moving, aim for the head. Doesn't matter what gun you have they will drop instantly.

    As someone else said in this thread people have no concept of distance in this game. The pump will absolutely not 1 hit kill at 40 meters. The damage drop off of the pump is hugely significant and is the major drawback to the pump and dramatically changes the dynamics of play. You can if you want use slugs but it modifies your gun to only be effective between the ~15-30 meter range. Up close slugs are terrible.

    Stay your distance, don't stay in one place for long and if you turn a corner and pump is staring you down don't come to the forums and whine because your LMG didn't win. (this not directed at you btw just in general). If he's using slugs get close enough to hump his leg and win. This combined with some intelligent play, knowing the situations, and bringing the right tool for the job is the counter to anything in this game.
  14. Mindcrime

    They were a pale white color and slightly glazed, just like the color of his soul.
  15. Rhyl

    Slugs still one shot kill to the head. It's not hard if you're under 10 meters to get a shot to the head with a slug. It only takes one shot. The pump is a two shot kill at 40 meters to the head. With a scope this isn't a hard feat. In CQC a slug can kill two shots to the chest. That isn't "impossible" to do if you miss the head shot. The rate of fire of the pump actions actually isn't that slow. You're implying you can't get two shots off without dying. You definitely can.
  16. Mindcrime

    If you can constantly get head shots with a slug sub 10 meters you deserve to win. It is a lot harder then you think. On top of that try 5 meters its even more difficult. A regular pump will beat a pump with slugs sub 10 meters every time, unless he gets lucky and gets a head shot but then again you could also get just as lucky and get a head shot too. Not implying anything, nor am I implying anything really. It isn't impossible as you suggest, but you have the opportunity to equally gain the advantage as well. What you are implying is that no matter the skill a pump user will always win, which isn't true.

    In any situation I destroy slug users. The velocity of a slug is slow and at 20 meters where people normally try to use them with a scope makes them a sitting duck for my medium range LMG.
  17. MurderBunneh

    Of course you are ok with it you have 1800 kills with it and its been out 2 weeks. Your next top gun the Carv has 1600 in the 3 months since release.,

    But please don't let me interrupt your spiel about the limitations of PAS.
    I am sure it's a cool story.
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  18. Gavyne

    Winning against shotguns is possible, but the opposing player needs to have a really bad aim.

    And no, I don't like the shotgun "balance", if you can even call it that.
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  19. Phrygen

    they dont give those to engis....
  20. joe smo

    am i the only one who finds it in the lest bid sad that most of the suggestions on here have been "buy your own shotty", "keep out of its range" and "be in a max suit"?
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