Dominations...change in number?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by zu2, Aug 23, 2014.

  1. zu2

    Anyone else notice that they are getting a lot more dominations lately? Has there been a change from 5 to 3 kills in a life to dominate? If not, I am a bit puzzled at all the dominations I have received lately.
  2. Liberty

    The number has definitely been lowered to three. Someone said but I haven't taken the time to confirm that your domination streak only ends against a player if you are killed by that player. e.g. you can take a death from someone else and still get a domination on another player.

    I'm not sure about that last part, but definitely on the first part. I know before the change I was at around 50 dominations, now I'm up around 130.
  3. Pineapple Pizza!

    I have about 56 dominations, whereas 2 months ago I had...3 or 5 or something, built up over the course of nearly a year...