Dogfighting etiquette - "you can't kill me - only I can kill me!"

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Robin, Mar 12, 2013.

  1. Pengalor

    I've been lucky enough to not see this happening. However, something that happens a lot to me is I'll fight so fervently to stay alive and try to get on their tail that sometimes neither of us knows where the other guy is (or they are coming at me for a strafing run) and I end up accidentally ramming them. I always kinda laugh it off but I often wonder if people think I'm doing it on purpose to be a jerk or something : /.
  2. Pengalor

    That right there isn't cool. It's just a game, role-playing or not everyone should be allowed to enjoy the game and you knowingly ruining it for them is pathetic and borderline sociopathic. That kind of logic also condones glitching, hacking, griefing, and other things.
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  3. Garantine

    Now you're simply making things up and presuming that since I am willing to deny you xp, I'm willing to cheat. That isn't the case and is a pretty big jump in logic.

    I am ENCOURAGED to deny you XP. If the developers didn't want me to, then suiciding would grant you a full kill, and deconstructing wouldn't even be an option. They are literally telling me that this is ok by allowing it to happen.

    Cheating glitching and griefing are completely different ballparks, and you really shouldn't confuse the two. It is in my best interest to deny you everything that I can, and it is completely allowed if not encouraged.

    Once again, deal with it. It is just a game, and that being the case, you shouldn't be so worked up when someone denies you something.
  4. Twitch760

    I just fly around as a LA with Nanite Auto Repair. When I'm about to get shot down I jump out of the aircraft. I figure everyone else is doing it so why not me?
  5. Pengalor

    I didn't say you did then, I said that train of thought could easily be used to attempt to justify them. and no, for all you know the lack of a kill from a suicided jet could be a limitation of the engine, a problem with the programming, simply something they overlooked. They aren't condoning or encouraging it simply because the game allows it, you really shouldn't assume they do unless they say they do.

    However, all of that aside, there is a matter of honor in games (at least there used to be). If you don't want to follow it there's not much anyone can do about it but there's nothing wrong with respecting your fellow player. It's a fellow gamer and a person on the other end of the monitor.
  6. Garantine

    Honor in games?

    Yes, I can tell that by how many people have cheated, exploited glitches, and basically done their best to gain whatever advantage they possibly could since the beginning of video game history. Game Shark anyone? People are hungrily buying into the FOTM cycle provided by the devs of this game, for the sole purpose of being able to BUY an advantage over fellow players. Is that honorable?

    If you think there is some honor system in place and a code of etiquette that should be followed, and that not doing so is somehow disrespectful, I find that laughable at best. Where are the guidelines of this code? Or is it basically just anything that you personally don't like that breaks this system of honor? I'd like to know.
  7. Pengalor

    Nah, not gonna bother since you'll just 'find it laughable'. Enjoy the rest of the thread, I'm out.
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  8. 1fiercedeity

    I usually wind up crashing in a tree by complete accident when trying to evade, just because I am a bad pilot. I can't wait to get into the VR training room so I can safely practice flying. Believe it or not I would much rather be shot down by a foe than crash into a tree.
  9. Duff_Chimp

    Delete a2a missiles.

    There is no decent dogfighting when these creeps that run a2a will lock you out and effectively kill you in 2 missiles (put on fire). I always give xp to people that fight with honour in dogfights. I intentionally deconstruct or crash on intentional a2a users. Personally it destroys competitive and interesting dogfights when these creeps turn up, the ones that i've successfully turned on are pretty bad pilots why they allow bad pilots to beat good ones like this is a total mystery.
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  10. Copasetic

    Trying to convince people to stick to some kind of honor code is a waste of time, the only way to solve this problem is to remove the incentive for doing it. Doing that is pretty simple: if you're in a vehicle and you die to suicide then whoever did more than x% damage in the last y seconds is given +500 XP for humiliating you.

    Follow that up with the malfunctioning ejection system that we had in PS1, where you're unable to eject if you're below 10% HP with random failure between 10-25% HP. Which leaves you with the option to land and repair or find an air pad to repair at.

    Deconstruction is even easier to solve. Put it on a 10 second timer that resets on receiving damage.

    These are all simple ideas, but since they're code fixes they would take time.
  11. Selentic

    The only time I have a problem with it is when people do it when the kill was actually earned. As far as I'm concerned if you want to deconstruct when you got triple teamed, or someone came out of nowhere after you when you had 15% hp left from another fight, or some baddies with ground aa started shooting at you in the middle of a dogfight, that's fine. The kill isn't deserved and you are well within your rights to deny them the xp they didn't earn.

    Of course this relies on people to be courteous about it and actually die properly when they were actually beat, and this is the internet so so much for that :3
  12. Areski

    By being a dick and not learning to fly?
  13. LanceHavenbay

    Current state of missile cannot be dodged when in the air. Reaver's are the slowest aircraft available and in order to dogfight well almost exclusively require hover. Running for cover is not an option. Thus, having a chance to evade a missile before it obtains an interception trajectory is also impossible without taking equal damage from a nosegun.

    Once a missile has obtained a trajectory patch, it can follow you around mountains/evasive maneuvers. That is why I have beef with a2a pilots.

    I'm perfectly fine with how old annihilators worked, as am I in support of buffing rocket range in general. (Exclusion being a2a since it is such a noob-tube.)
  14. LanceHavenbay

    Sometimes it is fine, but when you face 2 dudes and the other is just within lock-on range:
    You get nailed by a missile on your way toward him; most likely taking nose damage from both as well.

    I'm fine with how accurate the lock is as long as a player must struggle to keep their nose on a target. Because of how A2A is used, it required very little work on the attackers end in order to send an extremely powerful projectile on its way.

    In a lib, A2A rockets are a joke as long as you fly aggressive. I put AB on my libby and use it to ram the eff out of mossys who thing they can A2A rocket me all day. Lib reaching an excess of 250kph in .5 seconds... quite a surprise for nimble skies!
  15. LanceHavenbay

    Oh. Actually. They only time I ever used A2A (with the exception of when it was first released) was when 5 mossys were flying around with A2A. My buddy and I shot them down using their weapons against them.

    The fight lasted all of... I dunno... 10 seconds.
  16. FigM

    if you come up behind some ESF while it is focused on killing another target, and you unload full clip into it without meeting any resistance.. do you really think you "deserve" that kill?

    ESF pilots are some of the most self entitled nerd-raging players I have ever seen. I rarely get any smack in PM's for infantry or tank combat, but in ESF combat it's much more common
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  17. LanceHavenbay

    Eh. If you avoid Indar, you can get into some really respectable dogfights. How I made a lot of friends. Ally and enemies alike.
  18. Lewk

    This has become a real problem. i used to love to dogfight, but now i have turned to most infantry farming in my scythe , as i am a very experienced pilot and 95%+ of the people i attack are going to bail as soon as they past half health. Sure i will instant explode the hoverers, etc, but honestly it has gotten to the point of being so frustrating that i would rather just deal with a victim that i know isn't going to suicide.
  19. ent|ty

    Look, if you can't finish me off, too bad. At that state, the plane is slow and crippled, so you should with ease be able to finish your target off.

    There's nothing you can do, I will deny you a kill, XP on myself and/or my plane if possible. Its part of the game, its part of the frustration, its part of the fun.

    Please deal with it.
  20. Kroova

    Real men randomly switch the key bindings for "Exit Vehicle" and "Reload" until they cannot remember which does which." Makes the game so much more exciting!