Does VS dominate every server like it dominates Mattherson?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by hazmat88, Aug 18, 2013.

  1. hazmat88

  2. gigastar

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  3. Van Dax

    not even close.
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  4. Kociboss


    However, there is a nice VS airzerg at night in Cobalt when everyone is asleep. They ghostcap empty zones till about 7AM GMT. It's amazing really.
  5. NachoFoot

    Reason why they dominate?

    1. The biggest TR squad left
    2. They nerfed NC so much that most players switched or left.
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  6. Bombman

    Where is NC weak right now? Where is it strong?

    Infiltrator? Heavy? LA? Medic? Engineer? Reaver? Vanguard? Are they weak? Where is NC weak?

    Not arguing just curious for honest opinion.
  7. Chipay

    Not saying that NC is UP atm, but you can't ignore the fact that NC lacks in the AV department
  8. eldarfalcongravtank

    waterson is usually dominated by TR. they win most alerts

    kinda funny that after all these months server-specific population imbalances are still present and a huge problem
  9. SpetV

    On Waterson they are the most underpopulated.
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  10. velleity

    it's the outrageous skintight pants.
  11. whitupiggu

    Nope. They are completely worthless on waterson.
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  12. S1eB

    You will all know the will of Vanu.
  13. Vashyo

    I just started playing VS alt on Cobalt, so far it looks like they're bit underpopped, might be wrong though haven't played enough yet. I think they do decent for being undermanned though.

    On Woodman they dominate pretty much every alert I play in atleast
  14. CrashB111

    They are even/unpopped on the other servers, so all the VS that can't hack it there packed up and fled to Matherson exacerbating an already imbalanced area.

    The reason SOE hasn't put server transfer tokens in yet is because they know it would murder pops across the board from underpopped factions fleeing their servers to flood one where they have the advantage, most VS on Waterson would flee to Matherson and most TR on Matherson would flee to Waterson.
  15. Bombman

    Isn't it boring being dominant faction? It seems like it would be a real yawnfest and no fun tbh.
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  16. eldarfalcongravtank

    couldn't agree more. while TR has experienced air outfits in the sky 24/7, VS usually cant even get some scythes into the skies and provide air support. whenever i see a scythe crash without any enemy interference, i say to myself "typical VS pilot"
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  17. Lagavulin

    They certainly dominate cobalt.
  18. Rift23

    I was originally a VS on Sol'Tech....then one day I woke up in the Bad-Bad-Badlands, a strange place full of bittervets and anime-themed outfits. Been trying to find a way home, but it's like Sol Tech never existed. :(
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  19. jihon83

    For a while, like through a part of June and July, Waterson actually had a balanced population. I think the worst imbalances I saw were like 39/30/30, and at off-hours, the VS could actually hold a majority. Unfortunately, with TuBerculosis' return as the obnoxious "Dark Prince", things are back to the relatively-old days when TR was in the 40's, the NC in the 30's, and the VS were in the 20's. If I'm going to play on Waterson more, it seems like I, and many other VS players, have to get used to being kingmakers/spoilers again.
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  20. AtroposZero

    Did I wake up and it's 3 months ago or something? VS hasn't "dominated" on Mattherson for several GU's now. We do occasionally kick your face in when we need to (i.e. every alert that TR or NC decide to ignore, which oddly is most of them), but it's not the triple cont-lock all-day-every-day that it used to be.
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