Does mineguard on the flash..

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Nephera, Jan 6, 2013.

  1. Nephera

    Actually work? ..does it even protect the driver from the explosion.
  2. Bavieca

    lol, they have mineguard for the flash? that is hilarious!
  3. Mold1184

    I got the lvl1 mineguard for my flash and.. yeah It is not very effective, but it looks ******* awesome!
  4. LameFox

    I don't know. You'd have to track down one of the two people in the game's history who bought it and see if either has ever hit a mine.
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  5. Nephera

    Lmao, but thats what i'm trying to do!


    Lol then fine jeeze
  6. Saydian

    Saw someone on stream get it yesterday. It saves the Flash from Mines but the explosion itself still kills you. So if you love your flash more then your livelihood then ya get it. :p
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    If you have level two or higher in flak armor, you will survive the mine as well. As long as you have full health and shields, anyway.
  8. Tapioca Express

    i believe someone mentioned that level 4 or 5 mineguard lets you survive a double stacked mine with the flash in the deep red and waaaay burning. You have enough time to hop out and take 2 steps to clear the flash explosion and that was about it.

    Overall, i dont feel that the 500ish certs you need for all that mineguard to be really worth the tiny chance that you'll bump into an actual minefield in the game. Besides, not like you'll ever be hurting for that insaaaaane resource costs for the flash, and lets not forget about that week long flash cooldown.
  9. Lafladitu

    well maybe if you get max lvl of the mineguard you can survive 1-2 AT mine.

    And even if the flash survived the mine their is usually two to tree at the same location so, Mineguard on a flash is a waste of CP
  10. CrashB111

    I was under the impression that certing anyting for a flash was a waste since they have 5 minute cooldowns by default and cost 25 resource that you conviently make back in 5 minutes.
  11. Tapioca Express

    have you tried the 75m or 100m radar on the flash? That thing is like map hacks. Map hacks for your own team. Have you ever tried the flash's turbo? Flash turbo + light assault = insane air time. Turbo is equivalent to a jetpack for your flash. Literally. The fury is also nice as well. Full mag dump from the fury = dead max. Perfect for AA max hunting.
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  12. Spookydodger


    Dear PS2 Devs, please add a mineguard cert to my engineer to go with my mineguarded flash. Kthx.
  13. Spookydodger

    Ever since I heard of it I have been certing into a radar flash. Should be pretty handy in the future.
  14. CrashB111

    You know what I do when I see a Fury flash charging at my Engineer? 1 GL into his front end and boom dead flash and around 150 xp for me.
  15. Tapioca Express

    if i were charging you on foot i would have gotten a grenade launcher to the face regardless, so i don't really see the difference since i'd be dead regardless?

    Either way, i've gotten plenty of fun out of my fury flash and it was definitely worth every cert i blew on it. I was amazed at how often i was able to hunt down lone players off sniping in a corner and just fury spam them. Against competent players? Probably not effective. But then again, nothing is always effective against competent players.
  16. Nephera

    Aaahahaha alright thanks.
  17. supahitecjetfyta

    you need level 2 to just barely survive one mine but youre left on fire
    level 4 will leave the Flash at half health from one mine, it should survive two but it doesnt, SOE arent good at math.
    ive only tested each level by parking on my own mines and shooting them.
    cant tell if ive hit a mine or not, couldve been a tank shell that just missed or couldve been a mine, i dont hang around to find out.
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  18. Nehemia

    I thought the primarily purpose of Flashes, after zerging indoors with flying flash that has fury attached to it is being an minesweeper?
  19. TheScapegoat

    Just get INVR on your weapon and use that to scout the road. You can see the mines with more then enough distance to avoid.
  20. supahitecjetfyta

    you wont see my mines ;)

    heres the Flash with MineGuard
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