Do you use Medikits?

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Scudmungus, Aug 9, 2014.

  1. Scudmungus

    Simple question:

    Do you use medikits - in your typical 'go to' load out.

    I ask because, while happily kicking mulitple booty in CQC as a Stalker, I've been considering taking medikit to try and kick more booty.

    Up until now I've tended to take AP mines, which reliably secure a kill or two and the times when I get gunned down are generally the times where a medikit wouldn't have been much use.

    I realise that medikits will require some changes in play style. I can appreciate the advantage when taking damage after/during the ganking of targets, as well as the general convenience of being able to mitigate damage taken while running around (especially the damage taken from overly zealous friendlies / greenies..).

    So, you there Mister/Misses/Misc interwebz person, fellow PS2 Infi player: Do you use medikits and if so (or even if not) , how do they influence your play style?
  2. Plague Rat

    I use medkits constantly. AI mines are fun and all but realistically it's a pretty high expense for just a chance kill or two, and in my book are best saved to cover your *** while sniping and can't effectively guard your flanks or occasionally tossed in a choke point on the way to a CP you're working. But generally speaking the more stealthy I'm trying to be the less I use them.

    Medical kits on the other hand allow you to fully heal yourself without having to find a medic or remain uncloaked for too long, and significantly increases your staying power in almost any situation.

    Restoration kits are also an option. They have a lower resource cost, but I don't recommend them as much if you're running stalker since the healing is over time, so besides glowing green for a few seconds, you won't heal while cloaked, so doing so will waste the effect. However, if you use them right before you get into a firefight they actually give you a bit more staying power since you're constantly healing portions of the damage you're taking, but that of course requires a bit of luck and really good timing.
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  3. Scudmungus

    I should probably add the advantages of running AP mines on a Stalker, for those that do not normally/choose not to do so.

    The advantages are twofold: Tactical and Psychological.

    Tactically in that we can now restrict the approach paths of enemies and minimise their flanking opportunities, while providing escape-options, leading our pursuers into traps*.

    Psychologically in that, after a few horrible AP mine-related deaths, opponents are forced to either slow their advance and practice caution or equip EOD impants or Flak armour - all options that work to our advantage**.

    *Not to mention the option of dropping AP mines on our opponents heads, should we be lucky enough to find ourselves in a position from where we might be able to do so.

    **Forcing an implant switch means our playstyle is being supported while our opponent loses the opportunity to support their own play style, Flak Armour means no Nanoweave, presenting a softer target and thus easier gank.
  4. Scudmungus

    Thank you for sharing your experience. May I ask which implants you enjoy running? I ask because I have found Regen II provides the extra sustain - the opportunity to recover from stray bullets and messy ganks more reliably, tho obviously not as effectively as Medikit in the heat of the battle*.

    *Tho, saying that, with the Stalker cloak, we do have the option of crawling to away to safety to lick our wounds more often than the other cloaks.
  5. Rikkit

    in my goto stalker loadout, i use the regen tier 1 implant.
    Once you escaped a fight, it's normaly not that hard to find a dark corner and wait for the regeneraition.

    as long as i have the energy to run an implant, i would prefer this
  6. starlinvf

    I like AP mines on my Snipers. If I'm getting shot, I've already screwed enough to where I should leave. But those AP mines are good for securing paths to good sniping spots, which forces infil hunters to deal with it.

    I usually run Med kit on more mobile builds, like the scout rifles, on the off chance I survived a shotout, and need to top off.
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