Do you think NC has weak guns?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kimble, Jun 27, 2013.

  1. GideonAI

    The major problem with the SAW is that most new players will start playing as NC, and many of those players will get stuck with an un-upgraded SAW. Which absolutely sucks.

    So you get these noobs who can hardly stay on target and you give them the slowest, most inaccurate weapon in the game. The result is that they get frustrated and potentially end up quitting the game.

    Everyone goes on and on about how it's the best lmg in the game IF you get advanced foregrip, compensator, HV ammo, Sight, but no new player will have enough certs to spend on any of those. In fact, instead of paying enough to upgrade what they consider a horrible weapon they'll use the same amount of certs to pick up a more accurate NC lmg most likely. They will continue hating the SAW forever, which is part of the reason why you get people complaining about our guns on this forum so often.
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  2. Ender

    Ron White says, "You can't fix stupid."
  3. Alarox

    Nevermind. Discussing like this are pointless.
  4. BoomBoom4You

    The guns are too weak, they should be stronger to compensate for their slow ROF and awful accuracy. Either that or increase our ROF and decrease recoil to put us on par, as it seems people can't handle the idea of more powerful even if it means less accurate or slower. They just scream OP and nerf!
  5. HerpTheDerp

    Really? Because that's pretty much nonsense.

    To utilize SAW effectively you have to adapt a completely different playstyle, instead of ADS + ADADAD you have to ADS and crouch and not move. This WILL make you an easier target. This WILL make you a sniper bait. But that's the only way to use the damn thing.

    Or you could just go VS instead and get an amazing CQB LMG with 0.75(!!!) movement speed penalty right off the bat...
  6. DashRendar

    GU08 ruined the effects of Grip/Compensator/HVA attachments and the SAW loadout along with it. If you are going to use the SAW now, put a laser on it and use iron sights. It's fine for medium range and viable in CQ although certainly not the best.
  7. rickampf

    My favorite weapon in the game is the NC6 Gauss Saw.
  8. Griffstar

    They require more mastering for sure.
  9. hostilechild

    Its pretty simple for NC guns. If you can aim they are badass. If you miss with an NC gun its much more costly than missing with TR/VS guns. I do about the same on all 3 factions. But when playing VS/TR someone inside 50m rarely gets to move before they die. As NC they occassionally get to run off when i miss a few shots, due to slower firing, slower bullet speed. Wasn't the guns fault just mine.

    Definitely need to pick a gun that suits your playstyle and skill level. There are shotguns for some of you :cool:
  10. Scorponok

    NC has the most OP guns so i would not say their weak in any way.
  11. Bill Hicks

    I came
    I gauss saw
    I conquered
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  12. illgot

    no their weapons are horrible, you should join the TR.
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  13. Scorponok

    indeed..i hear TR are searching for new recruits for their frontlines :p
  14. Ivalician

    I completely disagree with any assertion that NC has the best guns, however, NC does have access to the most variety of guns, and by corollary, the most play styles. Overall, I think the small arms balance is pretty good.

    For Planetside 2, I find the sweet spot for infantry weapons to be exemplified by many weapons in the 143 damage / 750 RPM range. As in the easiest to use due to the very controllable recoil and tight cones of fire often associated with many these weapons; not lacking in CQB ( like most 167 damage weapons ) while still performing very well in mid range ( where the GR22 / H-VA45 / Cycler TRV's high spread and damage drop off really begins to neutralize effectiveness ). These are rarely the best weapon for any job, but so well rounded and capable you will rarely find yourself wanting.

    And NC has like... all of one of these and that rifle is available to only one class. So, uh, SoE... *hint hint.*

    More seriously though, while I think the EM1, LA1 and GD22S could use slight RoF buffs, ( arbitrarily selected numbers like 682, 622, 602 selected as examples ), NC having wide access to 143 damage / 750 RPM would completely destroy any semblance of factional traits and should not happen. Never ever.

    As an interesting note, I think NC has access to the least amount of 0.75x ADS movement weapons but best access to the most suitable attachments for weapons. As in while using a weapon, you think to yourself, "man, this rifle could really benefit from an advanced foregrip." Lo and behold, if you're NC, chances are pretty good advanced foregrip is available. But if you're TR / VS, the chances are a bit slimmer.
  15. Scorponok

    well thats why NC is the OP faction :)
  16. Shoza Nakh

    Well, I play NC mostly and I rarely use this "hard hitting" trait. My HA LMG is GD22S, just average gun, jack of all trades. My engineer runs with GD7F, TR style weapon for close combat, and Warden for long range. My medic goes with GR22, TR style gun again.

    I have Auraxium on hard hitting SAW and don't use it anymore. I have both hard hitting AC-X11 and Reaper DMR and this both very strange and difficult to use guns, I will abandon em right after Auraxium medal.

    Generally, I don't have anything useful from nation specific trait and "no drop" and "+10 bullets" looks much better for me.
  17. mpal

    It depends on your playstyle. I would say every faction has some excellent weapons and some crappy weapons. You should watch some clips on youtube about people recently reviewing weapons in your class. Pick the ones that fit your playstyle or better yet experiment.