Do you think being revived by a medic should be made more luctrative?

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by SinerAthin, Apr 10, 2013.

  1. Excidium

    You are really that dumb aren't you? I was mocking your horrible logic. Max units are special units along with all other vehicles, and just because you play in a first person view doesn't automatically give you the right to unlimited lives on a resource restricted ability. Even the C4 which counters max costs resources to reload, think about how dumb that gameplay mechanic is that the counter to dying is a resourceless ability/class.
    Lore aside, nothing is more frustrating than air finally cracking that hill with 5 burster max, 4 strikers, 2 medics 1 engineer dropping all of the max only to come back 20seconds later to have them ALL revived. Max take less damage than tanks with pods, are harder to hi, can hide and run for cover, do the single most threatening damage to air, and their resources are negated by a level 1 medic in a couple of seconds. Adding the second close death is permanent is the only logical way to let max live.
  2. Posse

    And what's the problem? That usually makes me able to kill the same MAX 3 times in a row since after the MAX is ressed you just need to fire him with the orion for less than half a second and he's dead again :D

    Btw, I accept resses in the following situations:

    If I'm being ressed by a guy from my outfit or if I'm being ressed by anyone while being far from a spawn point unless that guy ressed me before with 25% health, then no way.

    I'll not accept resses if I'm almost out of ammo and I don't know if there's a terminal nearby or if the guy who resses me already ressed me before with 25% health.
  3. EclipsedTerror

    Trying to heal through damage is pointless. Main reason it's easier to let them die and rez with a full health.

    You don't have to take the rez if the area you died is hot and the medic heard hero music.
  4. TheKhopesh

    To answer the Thread question, Yes, an extra 10% EXP per rezz and for each segment of hp restored.

    Now for my opinion on fine-tuning the medic experience.

    As a Medic, you should get 25% EXP on rezzing whether or not they accept.
    Then the other 75% if they do, after all, you are risking your life with the medical applicator out rather than a gun.

    Medical Applicators rank 4 and 5 should restore 25% and 75% ammo respectively (And refill 100% grenades and C4/mines and the like as if restocking them at a terminal).

    Additionally, Medics are Healers, they should gain a passive HP regeneration rate (Same as a Bio Lab) but only when they cert their active self-heal Nano-Regen ability to Rank 6.

    Also, Due to the anti-farming measures implemented by the SOE staff, it doesn't take long before you stop getting XP from rezzing and healing. This should be ENTIRELY removed from healing as a medic.

    Honestly, it's what medics do. They should not be required to kill someone every so often if they do not want to.

    Obviously only healing enemy damage should produce XP though, as is the current policy.
  5. Knarfis

    • Up x 1
  6. KnightCole

    MAX unrevivable? Do you have Heal Tool L2? I think you need the 2nd lvl or better to rez MAX. I had no issue on my medic ressing them. Yeah, Reviving, imo, needs to remove the death as well.
  7. }{ellKnight

    Agreed with Knarfis, the medic shouldn't resupply. This can be abused by organized outfits, Tk then rez and now the dude has his mines and nades back.
    • Up x 1
  8. Excidium

    I don't think you read and understood my post as I don't understand your quotation.
  9. Xocolatl

    Not really... you risk wasting valuable seconds (or up to minutes) if you revive someone then ditch them (unlikely to happen since you have seems like an experienced medic). When you're in being hammered and there is no chance of survival, ressing someone will not help the team advance, and you're better off not wasting time. With that said, if you can secure the area first, then yes, always res.
  10. KnightCole

    Oh lol, yeah, now I see it lol. It was late and I was seeing stars I guess. Now its all very clear to me......herp derp....I will take my leave haha.

    Buuut, now that I am seeing clearly now, wtf is up with MAX being revivable? Well, inside that big box of armor, is infact a Human that is revivable the same as any soldier. So, we can rez the man inside, but they still only come up with minmal health. Its up to the Engi's to put the suit back together. It only makes sense.
  11. Bad News

    Medic tool 6 is already so good so i don't see that us medics need another reason to upgrade. We all do as soon as we can.
    Accept the new medics revives and you are one revive closer to be revived by a meditool 6 next time.
  12. JonnyAFKay

    Being revived should take a death away.

    At the moment, when you get killed, a death is instantly added to your tally, when you are revived, this death isn't reversed.. This means that if you get immediately gunned down again, you now have +2 deaths.
    This means there isn't really much of a negative effect of being revived in a fire fight and instantly dying..

    The amount of times I get instantly killed after being revived is very little because I usually sprint straight back into cover
  13. }{ellKnight

    Oh noes, your KDR is getting worse in an objective based game.
  14. Hypest

    Sadly i care about my k/d enough to not accept revives outside of squadplay with my outfit. As i wrote before: making the revive to wipe away the debt death would make me to accept the rez from randoms too. It's not that i'm a j@ckass and don't want my faction-mate to get XP, but i got rezzed too many times with a low level tool just to die again in less than 2 seconds to trust a random player.
  15. }{ellKnight

    Keep and eye on how much the "revived by X" is displayed, if it's long you should deny unless there's no danger, if it's short then accept.
  16. X3Killjaeden

    I accept rezzes if its a long way back to the spawnpoint, unless i died in a silly spot that is easy to shoot at from enemy position. And never if i want to change class/loadout/rearm utility slot.
    Really depends on the situation though. If i got killed by a Lib i'm not going to accept it since i'll die again anyway. Same if the area is full of enemy lolpod or Tank spam.
    Dieing instantly once you got rezzed is a) frustrating and b) a waste of time where you could be helping your team more if you just respawn and take a better route