Do you see the red hit marker with bad hit detection?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Captain Kid, Aug 22, 2014.

  1. Captain Kid

    Everybody/some people talk about bad hit detection. You shoot at an enemy but he does not take damage.

    If the hit detection doesn't work as it should, does that mean you do not get the red cross shaped hit markers? I've seen some videos where exactly this is happening. Guy clearly hits the enemy (from 20 meters) but no hit markers and no dead enemy.

    Anyway can the hit detection also be faulty even with the hit markers? This is what my experience is. I do get hit markers but some enemies refuse to die. But this also could maybe be lag, poor aiming, etc.
  2. Zotamedu

    I've seen both happen. Sometimes I see the bullet go straight through an enemy and other times I get hit markers but do no damage. Very clear when you unload an entire magazine into someone at close range and they still live. I've hit an infiltrator with a couple of bullets from my underboss followed by two hits with my chainblade and he still lived. So yeah, hit detection can be wonky sometimes. The knife in particular seems to be rather wonky.
  3. Captain Kid

    I wasn't sure. It's hard to tell when the hit detection is funky. I don't know how much damage nanoweave stops for example.
    I was also thinking while the hit marker is visible, the other bullets I fire in that very brief time might all be misses. While the hit marker is still visible for that one bullet which did hit.

    I don't know but something is up with this game. I don't know if not all hits are registering or there is some weird kind of lag/delay going on. But some enemies drop like flies (as if they were wounded to begin with but no friendlies around) and others simply refuse to die.

    Same stuff when an enemy is shooting at me. Sometimes I die near instantly (almost a split second) from an enemy firing at 30 meters. While no other enemies are shooting me (through a doorway where there really is just one enemy for example) It's like on his screen he has been firing at me before my screen shows it and all the damage gets send to me at once.
  4. Simferion

    Totally random. Hit detection and presence of hit markers are random and no more correlated (or better, you can see the hit marker while not doing any damage, not the opposite).
  5. stalkish

    Ive taken whole clips of smgs in my back but havent died, then been accused of cheating (LOL) when ive killed them.

    This is realy affecting the community IMO. Ive defo noticed an increase in hackusations lately, it has to be related to this hit detection problem. Its not a good thing if im constantly questioning, or being questioned, about the legitimacy of an individual because the hit detection is a problem.

    I saw my 150mm Titan AP round do nothing to a harraser that was serverly smoking yesterday, hit pretty much directly in the centre of it from a side on view, no hit marker. Of course this could be the old tracer doesnt follow your round exactly bug, or hit detection, who knows at this point.

    I think the latency fix they did this week has helped with hits tho, saw less 'wierd' instances yesterday than in previous weeks.
  6. ARIES666

    hello client system, what can i say.
  7. TraatAdmiral

    Like other people, I've seen both things. I've had some times where I got hit markers as usual but emptied an entire magazine into somebody with no effect, other times when I've had no hit markers but the enemy is doing the flinch/shield glow animation anyway, and other times when there's simply no effect even thought I'm obviously on-target. It seems to be pretty random.
  8. Demigan

    Yeah I've had one instance where I fired a pump-action in someone's Torso. You see the bullets land, his character reacts to it... but no damage markers.
    I've unloaded an entire SMG into someone at 10m without any marker ever, only for them to turn around and kill me. Even my pistol didn't damage them. Later I gunned them down like it was nothing.
  9. FateJH

    This is my previous understanding of the clientside hit detection system.
    All that matters is that one's client knows that someone is somewhere else and exactly where they are and what their state is. It uses the state and location data to set up all the relevant polygons and textures for the rendering process and positions the collision detection fields for the interactions with the client's player. The said client's hit detection system then uses knowledge of the user to plot bullet trails between the user and some arbitrary location defined by the projectile and, if it should intersect with a collision field, then it behaves according to what that collision field represents. If that is all that is required by the clientside hit detection system, then a failure of the client's bullet plot algorithm is what causes hit packets to not go out and hitmarkers to not show up.

    Recently, though, someone else in another thread proposed something to me, that the client requests a confirmation from the server that determines that "yes, the person you hit was where you think they were at the time you say the bullet struck them."
    On one hand, this strikes me as odd to do. Not only does it involve an elaborate server-based time keeping system, keeping track of a target as it moves, that everyone's disconnected clients can query against to find a location at a certain relative time, but it also is redundant for a client, that already knows where it is drawing the player, to ask the server that told the client to draw the player at a specific location whether the other player really is at that specific location. That's like being told a certain color is red, drawing a red color, then asking whether that color is red a second later, and not redrawing the color if the answer changes.
    On the other hand, a system like that can explain why hitmarkers don't show up consistently.

    Under most circumstances, shouldn't we consider that the server telling the client where the other player is and then the client failing to confirm with the server where that same player is by regurgitating the data that it gave them a failure? All I ask is, if this second validation does exist, what do we gain from it?