Do you know why most pros play Light Assault?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Edmon, May 26, 2013.

  1. Edmon

    It's funny to see all the people saying LA is "Easymode" or "Cheap" or similar.

    Thats exactly right. Top players choose the most effective, easiest to use tools to win. Winning is all that matters and how you win definitely does not matter. It's often the ultra competitive "pro" players that are most often caught cheating (Saviour anyone?).

    Drifter+Pump and CircleMotion is what gives the LA it's speed (if you do it right) and hell yeah, I would go autoshotty if I felt that was the best tool for the job.

    The point is, I've grown up in a world where you'd even blow your self up with rockets and grenades, just to obtain vital extra speed to be used to take down hordes of bads who are moving at the standard rate.

    If you don't think speed is power in FPS, deathmatching, teamplay or otherwise, you are either new or you are kidding yourself.
  2. Ulrikke

    In all fairness to the OP, in a FPS, placement and movement is far the most important things. LA with Adrenaline burst is my favorite class / build because it gives me the best placement, as I can move in the 3. dimension and is harder to hit at long range due to the increased movement speed and it is easier to disengage and well survive :) However, it has its use and the other classes have their use, LA will not give you the edge in all situations in this game, and all classes have their time and place. What I do not agree upon is the that the ZOE in its current state is imbalanced. It is by far the best MAX ability, but due to its fragile nature it is not that hard to deal with, not as a LA or HA anyhow (Flash and C4 combo). I am more afraid of the NC maxes!
  3. Leer

    Ya, got me! It was a TK but you still win.
  4. Jex =TE=

    Wasn't this thread meant to be about the LA - ummm OP? Hello????

    I would like a conversation with your brain please! :confused:
  5. Tekuila

    They do it so they can jet pack around with a pump action and OHK everyone.
  6. Kooshaba

    Haha very true! However this is speaking from specific situations, obviously not across the board.
  7. PaperPlanes

    Shut the **** up, Edmon.
  8. llPendragon

  9. ShadowAquilaX

    hue hue hue hue!!!!!!111!!!eleven1!
  10. vaxx

    Ignorance. Plain and simple.

    Never played LA, but still think your opinion has merit? Little secret for you....when you don't have experience using a class/weapon/vehicle/playstyle, you just sound like a dolt. are Waterson TR, that explain a lot. I see where all the hate comes from. Got killed numerous times by LAs and now talk smack. Typical.
  11. anaverageguy

    While that's true and the op seems mistaken since the increase is applied only to the sprint, whether the other options are better than the adrenaline pump is debatable.

    For people that prefer dashing for cover when under fire instead of attempting a duke out, (or shotgun users that want to close distance more quickly) it is definitely a superior choice. even the slight boost is enough to throw aim off. Surviving to reposition and take pursuers or new targets by surprise is a pretty significant advantage. Of course, that also means it depends on how the user chooses to run.
  12. Glorin

    I'd say 70% of the reason why we don't play Light Assault is the ammo limitation. With a GD-7F, the most you can ever get is roughly 10 kills without dying... which, if you consider this with the fact that we can be ANYWHERE as light assault, would mean that almost every single life would result in running out of ammo.

    20% of the reason is that we're simply die-hard FPS gamers, and shooting people in the back really isn't all that fun. We like gunfights, not gun ambushes.

    10% of the reason is that it is very difficult to work as a team as Light Assault. At any given moment, the most optimal thing to be doing as Light Assault is to be flanking someone and shooting them in the back. But if you're trying to help your teammates at all times, often you'll find that you're basically running off to farm kills on your own while your teammates get stuck in situations that you could have been helping with.

    Light Assault is legitimately a really fun playstyle, but once you get the hang of it, it becomes trivially easy to kill people. Put another way, whenever any of us lose a 1v1, we like to think to ourselves "How could we have aimed better, reacted better, positioned ourselves better, or moved better?" But if you play Light Assault, the answer is always "I should have positioned myself better." Its sorta boring, since it turns every situation into a mind-game.

    In all honestly, if they wanted to fix the Light Assault class, they really need to make it so when you run over an enemy corpse that you killed, you get 1 magazine worth of ammo. (Kudochop's idea if I remember right)
    • Up x 1
  13. HLM

    I thought it was so they can bail from their ESF when they get shot down and not have a mark show on their precious K/D.
  14. Antreya

    A lot of people seem to forget that the jumpjets are also still causing the hitboxes to bug out and desync much the same way as ADADAD exploiting. I would say that's more of a reason why supposed "pro" players focus LA, and why you'll even see many ADADAD while flying around, to further desync and exploit the hitbox problems of this game.
  15. Glorin

    ADAD does not cause the hitboxes to desync in any meaningful way.

    There is no such thing as ADAD exploiting.

    There is almost 0 playermodel-hitbox desyncing in this game.

    There absolutely are warping issues, caused by low interpolation and lag--however that is not the same thing as the hitboxes becoming desynced from the playermodel.

    This "ADAD exploit" falsehood needs to die quickly.
  16. Blashemer

    This is the internet.

    You can't reason here, regardless of how reasonable you actually are.

  17. Benton!

  18. Van Dax

    Isn't it the client side hit detection that actually helps mitigate the desync issues?
  19. Glorin


    This is why you rarely hear someone in PS2 say, "Dude, my crosshair was right on him, why didn't I get a hitmarker?!"

    If your bullet doesn't hit someone in Planetside 2, it is because you missed. The trade-off for this, technically speaking, is that people warp around more often under high-latency conditions.
  20. Van Dax

    Thanks I just constantly hear the "if they changed it to server side hit detection it would fix everything" argument so I wanted to be sure.