Do you get much hostile trash talk in tells?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kimble, Jul 31, 2013.

  1. Kimble

    The other day I was flying my reaver and this dude who flys with a couple buddies in wolflacks in his mossie managed to kill me a couple of times. He seems pretty good honestly but he always flys witb 2-3 other wingmen and I ofcourse do not try to engage he usually takes me by suprise. I would never willingly take on 2 mossies in my reaver!

    Then due to this air situation I changed my setup to fuel tanks/racer from hover/pods. Half hour later I see a lib and go in but I can hear mossie engine so I hit burners fly a bit do reverse manuever same guy flying head on and we are shooting and he flys right into me.

    The he says to me "nice ram f*gg*t"...then he keeps calling me a f*g in tells.

    Now whats weird is I didnt ram him he flew into me about a thousand mph. Also he had killed me 2 times earlier so I am suprised he was harrassing me since I wasnt the one killing him much. He actually had got the drop on me a lot. Doesn't that seem a bit odd?

    Also this is the first time I had anyone trash talk me and I have been playing months.

    How often do you get trash talked?
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  2. HMR85

    Do you constantly have to create new threads asking questions?
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  3. Kimble

    So your the guy sorry about the ram, lol.
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  4. haldolium

    Seldom... but when I do it is hilarious and ironic at least.

    Like the other day when I killed a single UBGL LA with the rocket launcher when he was exiting the generator spawnroom in some biolab and he told me "lol NoobTube looser" (or somethin similar) where I was kind of brain****ed since he just killed me before with his.... well, noob-tube aka UBGL.
  5. NinjaTurtle

    I do sometimes send light hearted messages to people that they either take the wrong way or are just idiots who don't know the difference between friendly banter and insulting messages

    Most people are quite ok with a bit of cross faction communication, some are a bit hostile though

    OP that pilot is a waste of space ignore him
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  6. HMR85

    Nah, just asking a question. I have seen a uptick in new topics here lately from you. Was curious why you had so many dam questions.

    Back on topic: Yes, I get a ton of hostile tells. I usually just ignore them but sometimes I like to troll back.
  7. Corporate Thug

    Sometimes angry tells are the only things that can keep me motivated and playing this game. XOLiD has stopped me from quitting this game on several occasions.
  8. Mr_Giggles

    Some peoples days just aren't complete unless their name fills half of the first page.

    As for the OP, I hardly ever look at chat, so if somebody does insult me I guess it often falls on 'deaf' eyes.
  9. Almaru

    Well, when i used to play on Waterson, i'd get a hateful Tell every few minutes.
    They'd range from simple curse words, all the way up to 'death threats that usualy started with ''Im gonna find out who you are and kill your family in front of you!!!!''

    Though, i've only recieved around 2 or so of those death threats, ever.
    I dont take them seriously though, seeing as they could barely spell and made sexist jokes about my mom.
    Obviously 12 year olds that were high on caffeine.

    But since I switched to cobalt about 1.5 months ago, i've gotten maybe, 2 hateful tells.
    Thats about it.

    Naturaly i kill the people that send the hateful Tell's a few minutes after they send threats my way.
    For some reason, they seem to think that its a wise thing to get into a default ESF and try to hunt me down after annoying me for so long..

    So yes, i get hateful tells every so often.
  10. BetaGuru

    Almost never. Which is odd, because I use a lot of weapons people might consider 'cheap'. I spend the majority of my day sniping and if I get into infantry combat, I enjoy the pump-shotgun and the lasher. Yet despite all my insta-gibby and spammy nonsense, almost never get hate tells.
  11. Fortress

    Yell chat is my preferred medium for hate.
  12. Pikachu

    It only happened once. Was after the release of phoenix.
  13. Xale

    Trash talk? Not really. When someone does send a non-friendly whisper - it subject matter tends to be either:
    "LOL BR100"
    "Aimbotter" if flying.

    Most common though is just plain random conversation.
  14. Tradewind

    Only twice, wasn't really hostile, just two "hackusations"...which were greeted with scathing sarcasm and they went away.
  15. MilitiaMan

    All the time >.>

    I ******** so many egos
  16. Meeka

    When I get a tell from people; sometimes because I'm playing a cloaked infiltrator and knifing people, or because I'm running around as MAX, or using a shotgun... or even when I decide to ram the pilot who I wouldn't be able to kill otherwise... and I get that angry tell:

    I will respond with, "You can say whatever you like, in the end, you were killed, and that's all that matters to me, how is irrelevant.."
  17. Tradewind

    You can reduce your talk time and become an even more efficient killing machine by shortening that statement to "u mad?" and carrying on.
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  18. smokemaker

    Do you get much hostile trash talk in tells?

    I try my hardest too.
    But i find its weapon based most of the time.

    A2A missiles gets you a lot of tears
    Shotguns as well.
    My two favorite weapons just because they generate tears.

    Otherwise its pretty random... some peeps just do not like dying and rage when they do.

    PS : proximity mines in rear areas... not at the base being fought over but the ones directly behind them. Especially if it can spawn tanks. You get a lot of traffic for them and the proximity mines go off like popcorn.
    The tells i get are generally that i am not helping ,my team by killing there.... lol like i am there for my faction to begin with... lol. I am not. I am there for the kills.
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  19. PWGuy93

    Actually I have friendly chats with the enemy.
    I congratulate them on good kills and have even had some give me advise on how to improve my play style.

    The only outright low life ones I've run across can be on any faction and use wall hack exploits and they don't talk they simply log off when confronted.

    The worst "communication" I've witnessed are those that want to enforce their play style on others and get hostile when people ignore them by venting in voice chat about their family tree or skill abilities... They tend to log off quickly enough so not worth direct tells.
  20. Izriul

    "pilots" or, better yet, self entitled pilots, are the biggest trash talkers.

    I like getting whispers, it shows how much I induce them with rage, and it's always because they got out played and can't deal with it.