Do you ever NOT use the 12x?

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by VKhaun, Dec 22, 2012.

  1. VKhaun

    It seems like there's no reason for anything less than 12x, and I'd probably go higher. If someone is close I aim BEFORE I bring up the scope, so I'm just zooming in real quick as I stop to get the ADS accuracy.

    At longer ranges 12x really isn't that much magnification. Any distance where it would be uncomfortable to look around in 12x, it's still easy to see without need of a scope and so it's easy to spot people to aim roughly at them before zooming so they're in the scope and you don't have to look around. This range is exaggerated by the spot feature. I find a lot of times I don't even look around with the scope and just spot around then zoom on triangles.

    Does anyone really use 8x or 10x?
    What use have you found for them?
  2. DrankTHEKoolaid

    I only use the 7x. More FOV and I think any range you should really be sniping at the 7x will suffice. Prefer the square to the circle optics as well.
  3. IdealistCynic

    Depends what your usual engagement range is. With shorter scopes you can often get decent shots without needing to hold your breath.
  4. VKhaun

    Why would it be easier to hit a smaller target without holding your breath?
    12x mag = bigger target on the screen to click on.
  5. Zanduh

    I always use the 12x simply because my computer doesn't render people farther away than one line down so headshots are ridiculously easy with the Parallax
  6. Ghostick

    I have a 27" monitor, 12x scopes are overkill, 8-10x if fine by me
  7. Elsewhere

    To be honest, the main thing putting me off playing an Infiltrator, is the fact that I cant use a Carbine/AR/LMG. If I could, I would be there in a heartbeat. Not everyone wants to be sat on clifftops sniping people at 300 meters, however effectively.

    So to answer your thread title, thats why I dont use 12x, because I cant stand sniper rifles.
  8. Hydragarium

    I have both 10x and 12x - and to be honest I switch around depending on the base and distance. Sometimes 12x is just too much due to the dynamic render distance.
  9. cardboardbacon

    No one is forcing you to sit hundreds of metres away from the action. You can use sniper rifles effectively in close-quarters; most players just never try.

    Use a bolt-action rifle (the M77-B is a good choice for TR if you want to spend as little as possible) and as VKhaun said, aim at the target first, then simultaneously stop, scope-in and fire. Even if you don't get a headshot, their shield will be gone and your pistol will easily finish them off.
  10. Laika

    I use the SAS-R sniper rifle with the 4x zoom. Even when i use the LA-80 i never use more then the 6x zoom that is already std when you take that rifle.
  11. IdealistCynic

    @VK - That is true. But that requires more dramatic mouse movements once you're nice and zoomed in, and for me, especially on a moving target, I like to minimize the amount I draw the mouse across. Maybe a personal preference thing.
  12. Soylent

    If I was guaranteed the same rendering distance on infantry no matter what I would be using the x12 all the time. But since it varies sometimes x12 is just too much. What pisses me off the most is that sometimes I render for the enemy snipers, yet they don't render for me.
  13. CommodoreFrank

    There's plenty of reason not to use the 12x. It all comes down to preference and engagement range. I prefer more field of view, so I've never even touched the 12x scope. I also feel that if you need a 12x scope, you're too far from the fight to be that useful. It's much easier to maneuver around a fight when you have less ground to cover by being a bit closer. You could have a perfect spot at extreme range, but if the battle shifts, you're going to have to spend some extra time repositioning.
  14. SirDrayson

    Let's not forget the greater feel of breathing wobble-ness with 12x. I did not try the lesser scopes, but I must admit I use the VS triangular default-scope. Doesn't disturb me at all.

    So far, I agree on the subject that the 12x is way too situational. Thankfully, it is cheap.
    Aw man. That is so true.
    I really wish we had the control - or at least have it raised. After all, even if a 12x would be our real "renderer", hitting a moving/dancing/bunnyhopping target is still a major challenge. Let alone lag, where you have your shot merely going through the head of the target without damage. I had this many times happen, even on an unsuspecting camping infiltrator whose backside of the head just wouldn't accept a headshot from 20meters... twice. :/ But Lag is a different subject.
  15. Jeos DInas

    Preferring long range, I stick with the 12x. Situationally, I will use the 8x. I prefer my engagement distance to be as far away as possible, however, so this is not ideal.
  16. ChocolateLoveMuscle

    If I'm attacking a bio dome, then I will use a certed out Artemis. IF I'm attacking an open space base, then I will use a 12x scope.
  17. Tyzh

    I can't bring myself to use the 12x scope on anything anymore. The render distance just doesn't make it worthwhile. I prefer the field of view and the ability to track closer targets with my scope. I've been using the 6x and 8x scopes mostly.
  18. Prince Planet

    12x is never off my Parallax
  19. Dulu

    Sigh, just as I was getting comfortable with my 8x, now apparently I have to try the 12x!!!

    Curse you.
  20. Evilmonky

    It depends on the one I am using. If I am using my RAMS-50 for long range (slower bolt, faster bullet/less drop) then I use the x12. Closer in I use tha other bolt action TR rifle (whos name eludes me at the moment >.>) with a x6 or x12 (faster bolt but slower buller/more drop)