Do something about C4 now! (Boring long whiny rant)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Duff_Chimp, Dec 15, 2012.

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  1. Duff_Chimp

    C4 is fastly becoming bloody rediculous, logged on today and was tank battling, doing quite well upsetting a sunderer and heavies that couldn't hit the broadside of a barn with a launcher. Bam tank dead, culprit 89% C4.

    Ok granted that doesn't happen very often but what was to come later was truly nuts. Defending the crown succesfully against the NC the Vanu seized the oppurtunity to gain a foothold. Apparently light assault spam and having the only tanks that are capable of assaulting the crown without getting trashed, is the key to victory.

    Now when i am in a losing base, I don't make it easy for them, they WILL take the base, but i ain't letting them without a fight. I spawn a MAX with chainguns, and proceed to hunt down infantry. Cornered behind a wall I assume relative safety. What i get for 'assuming' is a hefty dose of C4 bam MAX gone. Now i don't know if it was 1 or 2 bricks either way, it happened quicker than i could possibly react.

    So Vanu sawrming the base, i've got two options run around like a headless chicken and making suicidal dashes only to be gunned down milliseconds later or i proceed to nade spam out the door. Second option is a winner. Killing anyone stupid enough to be camping right outside the spawn door (generally quite a few in my experiences). Three options if you count redeploying.

    This is the killer blow, i played for about 1hr and 30 mins today died a few time but died most from C4, two deaths were inside the spawn area, INSIDE. Not even next to the door, but fully inside virtually in the middle. Even if you don't touch C4 don't give us spawn areas or give us areas which actually safe to spawn into. The thing that annoys is C4 you can kill maxes and tanks with relative ease, yet if I stab a guy in the heart or brain i have to swing again to finish the job. In that that time they can swing round and shoot, which i can't without weapon swapping, or just run away as if they hadn't just been stabbed in the back.
  2. MarlboroMan-E

    Well, you were right about boring, long and whiny. You'll understand if no one feels bad that your infantry farming got upset by a dude that had to walk within melee distance of your vehicle.
    • Up x 7
  3. {joer

    Oh look another whine thread about how someone died and its unfair they died.

    Deaths to C4 to me so far... zero.

    If you are dying most from C4 perhaps you need to adjust your playstyle. Its really not difficult to avoid, and its slow to deploy. I agree the knife should be more powerful but you are trying to use realism here you just compared high explosives to a knife...

    Never take a knife to a high explosive fight.
  4. Liquid23

    gotta slap that C4 onto a flash then drive it at a tank jumping off early and blowing it as the Flash rams the tank!

    there is a video of someone doing that to kill a Sunderer on these forums somewhere
  5. Nofreenames

    That I can agree with, Spawns are shielded since PS2 went for shielded spawns it should be safe.

    Never been killed by C4 in my sundy, or tanks, but I play engi/LA so I am always on the lookout for incoming infantry. Though to really get the kill they gotta place a couple bricks of C4 on the back of the tank so successfully sneaking up on the back of a tank is key, suicide runs only work in mass groups, though watching 50 LAs jumping across a field to assault a couple tanks was epic to watch when I saw it done once, mags were strafing the rockets and staying too far away, whoever organized it though, my hats off to you.

    But infantry getting up to melee range with a tank should be dead tank, either watch yourself or get infantry support it is a team game
  6. Azurres

    Am i on the WoW forums? Nerf this nerf that.
  7. Perls

    Good lord, leave C4 alone. It's not easy to get it on any decent tank driver. It SHOULD decimate someone since it requires to really be in harms way to do. Try it once, everything with C4 is very delayed. From the toss, to the explosion. And if you aren't willing to detonate it quickly, you still have to switch back to the trigger to blow it.

    C4 is fun though, I like the risk vs reward. In all honesty, if I can get C4 on the backside of a tank, or time it underneath, it absolutely SHOULD 1-shot a tank.

    It costs 100 friggin resource, you get 1 per equip (unless you spec out for 2 which is expensive on resource and 500 certs I believe, making for 700 total for both). My infantry has 1-2 chances at it, 7 total until tapped of resources for quite a long time assuming I'm not refilling on grenades. Where as your tank can one shot me for xx rounds at a distance... or you know, just run me over.
  8. Copasetic

    They should fix C4 going through shields, but that's it.
  9. gunshooter

    dying to c4 as a tank is your own fault every time. Amazing that anyone would ever complain about it. How do you let an infantry get that close to you and then spend 5 seconds setting up c4 on you, getting away, and triggering it, and then complain about it?
  10. Vargs

    It's pretty rare I get blown up by C4 in a tank. You just need to keep your distance and be careful, which is what a tank should be doing regardless of whether or not C4 is around. If you aren't playing conservatively you deserve to get destroyed. It isn't exactly easy for them to attach a couple bricks to you, and they waste about as many resources as your tank costs for a single potential kill, which is even worse when you consider how much more precious infantry resources are in comparison to mechanized resources.

    As for MAXes, it's kind of funny when they give their lives and 100 resources to take down my MAX, only for me to get revived immediately afterwards because I tend to stick next to medics and engineers. Just a pointless waste for them.

    The spawn room thing is whatever. It's a bug and it doesn't even matter. If you're being camped into your spawn you lost anyways, and if you want to waste your time shooting at people outside then don't stand 2 feet from the door.
  11. Meurtos

    God I hope it was me... I'm glad you don't want a Light Assault to have a chance against a max at all or your tank. That makes total sense. There isn't enough tanks in Vehicle Side 2, already. We should just take away ONE more deterent from people that spawn only tanks and maxes thinking they are invincible. Get off my forums, your complaint is not valid. There are enough people in this game that already sit in tanks all day farming infantry.
  12. SenEvason


    Why the hell should I be punished for risking my ***, and getting close enough to a tank to blow it up? 4/10 tries of attaching C4 to a tank are actually successful. The other times, they either shoot me, or are smart enough to get away from me. C4 is fine as it is, be smarter about how you play, and understand that you aren't an unstoppable killing machine, and never should be.
  13. KoooZ

    Trust me, the other side of the insta-kill coin is much, much worse. Circle dancing infantry fights where it takes minutes for someone to die is pathetic.

    Also, I shot a mine or claymore as an enemy engineer finished laying it and lol'd for so long someone else popped me :)
  14. Badname2059

    One block of C4 costs as much as a max.

    To use it successfully on vehicles, you have to get within melee range to drop it successfully.

    To kill a MAX with it, you need to catch them off guard in CQC, where the MAX always has the clear advantage in being able to kill you instantly.

    C4 is fine, if anything the infantry cost is too much for one block of C4. Have more situational awareness, try not to get caught with your pants down so often.
  15. Perls

    For sure. I feel like I need to stock pile nades and C4 for the entire week just to have a fun weekend session. C4 cost is ridiculous. I don't even want the second upgrade for 2 of them, I'd be empty in the first hour of play.
  16. Liquid23

    I don't wear pants when I'm in a tank so that is going to be a tough one
  17. Jaquio

    I just love the idea of some tank commander hero with a 10 KD ratio crying here for a nerf on a dedicated LA trooper who's probably struggling to eke out a 1.5 KD ratio and valiantly (and in vain) storming into the thick of battle to try to do what he or she can against a seemingly unstoppable armor column.

    As a dedicated LA, I can tell you two things:

    1. I have never killed a MAX with C4 without seriously outthinking and outplaying him. Either I saw the mech suit, and instead of panicking, I ran off and found a suitable location, dropped the C4, and goaded him into following me, using his misguided sense of superiority and invulnerability against him; or I placed the C4 somewhere I knew he needed to go and guided the explosives tactically. It's not a point and shoot instakill. Those are mostly on your vehicle end of the spectrum.

    2. Blowing up a tank with C4 is harder than you think, and if it's happening to you often, then it's because you have poor awareness of your surroundings. Most times when I see a tank and think "I need to blow him up" I die before I can get to him. Either the tank simply moves away, and I can't catch up to it (usually dying because I'm now exposed), or the tank sees me and shoots me or runs me over before I can get there (the amount of times I've died to a tank reversing faster than I can fly/move and shooting me down far exceeds the number of confirmed tank kills I've gotten), or any one of the supporting infantry or tanks around the target picks me off before I can plant my charges.

    Good tank drivers don't get killed by C4, unless they're attacking a heavily fortifed position, in which case they should expect the potential for death. I was defending a facility reached by a bridge on Amerish (Auraxis Firearms?), and I planted two C4 on the bridge as the column approached, and scrambled to get out of the way of their fire and find a location where I could wait for a tank to cross over my charges and detonate. That's just good tactics. If you think that's unfair, you have no business playing a tactical game against human beings.
  18. KoooZ

    Oh, and I forgot to include in my post that dying faster makes cover exponentially more important, and thus feels more like a shooter and less like an mmorpg with guns.
  19. Spookydodger

    You're right, that was ridiculous. You should really look around you more often rather than getting tunnel vision.

  20. Niller

    Please devs don't listen to whiny people like him!
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