Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by Zaxudih, May 1, 2013.

  1. NotTheMomma

    They are nerfing ALL the Furies.

    Your sarcasm aside, do you think that being able to somewhat use the Sunderer as an offensive platform with dual Furies is a problem, is overpowered? I've seen you around quite a bit, have you tried hitting running infantry from a Fury Sundy that can basically never stop moving, outside of a spawn suppression scenario? Have you tried defending that kind of vehicle against any armor greater than a single Lightning with HEAT cannon?

    Do you really think the Sunderer should be reduced to solely a deployed AMS with stand-off weapons because there's a problem with the implementation of the Wraith cloak?
  2. Giggily

    We mostly use Bulldogs on our battle Sundies and they seem to work just fine
  3. Armchair

    But someone was killed by an ATV. That insults their belief that they are pro. The only solution is nerfs.
  4. Mindcrime

    Indeed good sir.
  5. Lucidius134

    I'm not for an M40 Nerf but you'de have to be silly to think that it isn't too good on the flash as it is.

    "It's like a shotgun" and the shotgun is useless compared to it because it's way more useful.

    The Kobalt isn't as useful in the same scenario.

    Flash should get an M40 Drake/Basilisk style seperation.

    M40 Fury and M40 Anger.

    THAT AND ,you know, Planetside 1 was smart enough to make the invisible vehicles have no weapons.

    Anywho, It needs to be changed so the other weapons in the arsenal are viable.
  6. asteldian

    I know I am a crap player, but how is it the Wraith Fury is supposedly so dangerous? My Flash still gets killed with 1 direct hit or I get killed in about 3 bullets, I've pretty much yet to escape once appearing from cloak, heck, most players seem to see through the cloak regardless of range anyway
  7. ArcKnight

    did he also mention "after the sales die down"

    conspiracies aside if they want to nerf it why not just reduce the magazine size instead
  8. WycliffSlim

    They didn't state how long it would be... just that they had no desire to do a bait and switch on the people who purchased the Fury during the time that it was on sale.

    Mag size would work... or just don't allow it on the wraith flash. That's the only time it's extremely powerful and even now people aren't really complaining about it. I actually kindoff applaud them for recognizing how OP a weapon is and being on the ball before a lot of people figure it out and start exploiting the combination. Either way, they really don't need to nerf the fury itself, just how it interacts with the Flash. Maybe just give the Flash a different type of fury? Lower ammo count, slower RoF... blame it on Nanites.
  9. Zaxudih

    bumping for great justice
  10. Liewec123

    this is what wrath looks like on lower graphics, hardly OP enough to warrant Fury being nerfed.
  11. Armchair

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  12. Clanqaz

    The reason that the Wraith flash has this issue of "undocumented OP" is because no one thinks that it would be deadly. Should the flash ever be focused in a combat situation, it will die. Currently, the best way to counter strafing runs is a tank/armed sunderer guarding the infantry. Should that not be available then tank mines tend to work well. Even if that is not available then just use proxy chat to let people know to spread out and kill the flash so splash damage doesn't wipe them out. If you are alone you are dead, sorry but 1 infantry is not meant to kill everything in the game when the vehicles are played properly.

    But I do think in needs to be changed, not nerfed. Nerfing the fury will only lead to people becoming frustrated about their purchases for anyone who bought it, or even upgraded it. Making the wraith weaponless is a good balancing idea, and it allows the Turbo variant to gain some headway in combat. Mainly though, the wraith strafing is causing the issues, not the fury. The fury simply works well with it. So please, just nerf Wraith, not fury. And also, if sony would like flashes to stay somewhat combat viable then they may think about giving it a speed and handling increase so players can succeed without random crashes and spin outs. Overall I hope to see the flash become and stay as a quick and disposable flanking weapon that tends to stay balanced most of the time.
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  13. SEMoslaw

    Yeah nerf them to the ground. I saw one flash with wraith destroyed like 100 MBT and to kill one you need rocket launcher +100. Ppl are puling now hundreds of them every second death on server is caused by them. /Sarcasm off

    SOE have to stop listening to noobs who have no idea how to play this game and release they frustration on forums by creating useless threats full of their invented stories and tears.
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  14. CertifiedPi3142

    The fury is fine, the wraith is fine, but together, they are more powerful than they should be. As suggested before, the wraith should have a cooldown of several seconds before weapons are activated. An alternative is to make flash weapons unable to reload when wraith is activated.
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  15. Cinnamon

    Option 2. Leave fury as it is but change other things.

    Change wraith module so it becomes less effective the faster the vehicle is moving, top speed flash would be near visible. Would have to work more to get into a good position to "unleash the fury." Possibly cloaking should be more visible on all settings than it is now on low.

    Buff other weapons to bring them in line like Bulldog and tank weapons, undo splash damage nerfs.

    Make flash and harasser more vulnerable to small arms fire to help mitigate farming risk/reward. Remove composite from harasser. But at the end of the day infantry is being spammed with one hit kills by a very fast moving or invisible target so dropping hit points only does so much.
  16. SifuBob

    I kinda assumed the nerf had something to do with the fact that the Fury is pretty much better than the bulldog at everything, making it almost redundant.

    I kinda think that if it wasn't for the fact that the bulldog is part of the vehicle bundle they sell, we would very rarely see them on sunderers, as the fury beats it hands down.
  17. Fafnir

    This is what happens when people argue about an issue without understanding it first.

    Killing anyone, while driving fast is a challenge by itself, these is no need to make it even harder. The problem is with cheesy stopping, aiming, uncloaking and killing someone (also farming S-AMS). If it's a problem at all...
  18. Cinnamon

    Cloaking doesn't make driving fast easier and you can't fire when cloaked.

    If they made it so wraith module flashes couldn't equip weapons then it would be equally acceptable. If the really unacceptably cheap thing is truly stopping and firing then the weapon that needs to change. If it's also the fact that cloak combined with flash speed allows you to get away too easily then that could also be fixed. But harassers can also get away very easily due to speed combined with being able to tank a little damage.

    I admit that it might not be a problem. Which is why I table a major AI buff for bulldogs and tank weapons.
  19. Liewec123

    for me getting killed by a fury flash is always a "doh!" moment, thats the only time,
    1. you can hear them coming.
    2. i have lower graphics so i can see them coming (see the pic afew posts back).
    3. they are very fragile since its an infiltrator.
    4. they can't move around very well meaning its harder for them to shoot at you than you to shoot at them.

    noone who is paying attention will have a problem with fury flashes.
  20. metrotw

    the problem is most people that play this game are ADHD assburgers babies who can barely shoot at stuff right in front of their face let alone someone behind or to the side of them. the wraith\fury combo's greatest advantage is that it allows for flanking and getting at people (especially groups of lemmings) from directions they aren't expecting which is why you are finally seeing all the cries for NERF NERF NERF!

    if the hit detection in this game wasn't utter dog**** I'd be perfectly happy just running people over with the wraith. but of course then people would be screaming for nerfs to that too...