[Suggestion] Do not give the harasser back its durability or damage.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Hoki, Apr 12, 2014.

  1. Vortok

    The biggest issue the old Harassers (pre super nerf, not launch version) had was lack of downtime between engagements.

    Due to high resistances and low base health the vehicle could be repaired incredibly fast, especially if you compared two people repairing a Harasser to two people repairing a MBT. Just one person still repaired it insanely fast, though. Dipping behind a rock for just a few seconds could let it get a ton of health back, which made trying to chase them down even riskier - especially for something like a Lightning.

    Lightning repair speed feels balanced for one person, MBT repair speed feels like it was balanced for two people. Harasser can barely be considered decent for one person when it's even more of a multi-person vehicle than an MBT is.

    The less chance it got to make fast repairs (aka, forced to spend time retreating a decent distance like most other vehicles), the more evenly it performed. Rumble seat repairs just exasperated and compounded the problem, but wasn't the true root of the issue in my book.
  2. Flag

    Not being able to kill them was only a problem because they had too much firepower. Leave that one as "low" and you force the harassers to stay in an area for longer, giving the tanks longer time to deal with them before they manage to do the same damage.
  3. Hoki

    This is starting to sound like a deterrent conversation..
  4. Fangry

    ONLY thing that annoyed me with harassers were the ability to repair while driving (Engineer..)
    NAR is disabled when you shoot at them, Engineers still repair

    Rumble seat should only allow Weapons
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  5. Flag

    So you're insisting that being able to survive 2 AP, if barely, is OP?

    The OP part of the harasser was the ease of repair and the firepower. But that's also the extent of it.
    The rest, namely mobility, speed and durability weren't a problem. Except they were placed on a platform that had some other aspects which were, so lots of people would just bundle it all together under one header, "Harassers were OP".
  6. dstock

    My Harasser is still viable, so glad I certed into the skill tree.
  7. Hoki

    With pre-nerf agility and speed, yes surviving 2 titan AP rounds is definitely OP.

    I can dodge and escape tank cannons frequently with a lightning, which dies to 2 AP rounds when running. I would say it is OP if a lightning can survive it, pre-nerf agility and speed for a harasser is the single hardest land target to track and hit second only to an ESF.

    Basically if you eat 2 ap rounds with pre-nerf mobility, you either got outplayed or you ******* suck and deserve to die.
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  8. Lucidius134

    Color me suprised.

    "Bring back the farm chariots."

    Agree with Hoki on this. Just because it was _BROKEN_ for so long doesn't mean that it should be UP and never buffed again. That also means that they shouldn't do the same stupid mistake of hitting it with a bunch of buffs at the same time and making it break the ground game again.

    Old harrassers were so ridiculous that you would even see them 1/3 with AI weapons still getting kills.
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  9. z1967

    You're kidding right? I mean, you have to be kidding as there is no other logical reason for you to say that other than to pose a loa-
    oh. Nvm I see what you did there. Carry on.
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  10. Flag

    How would that be OP? the harasser has lost teeth since then. Teeth it wouldn't, or at least shouldn't get back.

    But I digress, skill/ability to aim properly is OP. Got to nerf it so everyone can land every shot, ever.
  11. Inex

    Apparently there were a couple of problems with the Harasser's old design. :D
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  12. Schwak

    The combination of Composite or your harasser is useless and the backseat repair made all other defensive options useless. NAR is on the move repair and that should be the only on the move repair (aside from FS). I think the harasser should have its NAR buffed a bit though since its health pool is about the same as an ESF if I'm not mistaken. Currently NAR is kind of weak so ya. Remove Composite, make pre-nerf composite the base resistance, remove rumble repair, go halfway on the turbo nerf since 1 second boost on a vehicle that relies on it is pretty lame, and boom, harasser is fixed.
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  13. FigM

    Most of those problems were not with the harasser, but with other vehicles

    The one and only serious problem with pre-nerf Harasser, which is not fault of other vehicles, is that composite armor was too strong. At 24% it made it a little too tanky. Simply reducing it to 12% - a strong 50% nerf, would have fixed everything - other than shortcomings of other vehicles.
  14. Schwak

    Why do people have such a hard time realizing that the harasser was perfect at launch apart from back seat repair(and being able to get into buildings)?
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  15. FigM

    Backseat repair was strong, but at a cost of 3rd person or temporarily giving up offensive ability (seat switching)

    A 3 man vehicle deserved that kind of power

    Maybe just buff it vs small arms fire like all infantry guns and basilisks/kobalts.
    then it can take out sunderers or stop infantry.

    Right now all you have to do is get a couple people to fire on the harasser with their weapons and it gets killed.
  17. AssaultPig

    backseat repair should just not be a thing; the problem with the old version of the harasser was that you couldn't ever kill a smart one, because they could always get away. If they had to actually stop to repair they'd be much easier to deal with
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  18. Foxirus

    Liberators are meant to clear the grounds. They are a bomber class ship. The fact they can take on ESF's with such ease is them clearly performing out of their intended roles. A bomber should NOT be able to go belly up and just float as easily as it does to kill ESF's. Second you angle those thrusters even slightly upwards, That thing needs to drop from the sky like a rock.

    Back onto topic, The harrasser is fine as is. It is no longer a high speed tank anymore.
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  19. moriarrr-ceres

    I would be fine for just a stock health boost (15 or 20%), the pts changes( passive turbo and mobility incrased)
    I hope they give the same for the flash.
  20. Schwak

    The rumble seat is completely useless besides repairing and temporarily giving up offensive abilities didn't really mean anything. The magrider has to run with its tail showing, should it get a 3rd seat for rumble repair since it gives up half its DPS to evade?