Do any LA use the new knives?

Discussion in 'Light Assault' started by Moonheart, Jan 9, 2015.

  1. Moonheart

    I'm playing and infiltrator with the new knife, and the most case I kill someone with it is when I drop in their back with the knife in hand.

    I have wonder because of this if LA would not do a fun use of it. Runing on the roof, dropping behind people, knife, lifting again.

    Did anyone tried this?
  2. Iridar51

    New knives should be perfect for LA, it's arguably even easier for us to get close to someone than for the infiltrator.

    It's not awfully practical with that new hard hit detection, but we even can swing knives while moving at sprint when flying on the Jet Pack.

    I have ~90 kills left on my default knife auraxium, I'm probably switching to the activatable knife after that.
  3. Pineapple Pizza!

  4. Leivve

    I actually find I have been knifing much less then I use to, and I have yet to use the knifes in their equip form.
  5. Reclaimer77

    If we actually ran faster with a knife equipped, as we SHOULD, I would use them a lot more.

    Finishing off people with a knife looks cool on all the killstreak videos. But personally I haven't found much use for the knife against COMPETENT players as a Light Assault.
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  6. Moonheart

    There is no reason to run faster with a knife equiped.
    No RL solider put its firearm in his back in the middle of the battlefield to "run faster".

    These as been a behavior present in CS-like series due to poor implementation of weapon weights effect: the game took in account the weight of the weapon you hold in hand, and not the overall weaponry weight you have on you, which has been more logical.

    As a result, you could wear a bazooka with 10 missile on your back, and run as if they weren't here as long you hold your knife in your hand while moving...

    No, really, you SHOULD'NT run faster when you equip a knife. Your primary weapon weight doesn't disappear because you don't hold it in your hand.
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  7. Reclaimer77

    You are certainly entitled to your opinion.

    Weight alone doesn't dictate run speed. I think there is a reason Olympic sprinters pump their arms when they run, yes? As well as joggers, marathon runners, little kids playing sports. Uhhh , pretty much everyone.

    It balances you. Someone running with a knife is going to be faster than someone trying to lug machine gun in their arms.

    Learn something son
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  8. Reclaimer77

    Besides realism isn't a very good reason to put something in the game. Realism dictates a single shot from any VS plasma weapon, even a handgun, would punch through tank armor and make it explode.

    Running faster with a knife is a good way to give Light Assault the mobility it honestly should have, without making it overpowered.

    Am I alone in thinking it's kind of silly a Heavy Assault player carrying a rocket launcher, 20 rockets, a Light Machine Gun with 400 rounds of ammo etc etc.....

    Has the same run speed as a "Light Assault" player!?
  9. Moonheart

    Make lightly armored classe run slightly faster makes more sense than put a damned knife in his hand each time you move.
    Knives are not running shoes.
  10. loveszmester

    I do.
    Use the smoke (under barrel smoke, smoke grenade) to make advantage.
    If the enemy uses medic shield chargers. They will highlighted for you and results in a lot of free kills.
    You only have to do is the aim part.
  11. Agiond

    If you want more realism, maybe you should check Arma 3.

    Tho i'd like to see some speed boost when you are wielding a knife.
  12. Reclaimer77

    Yup yup!!!
  13. Moonheart

    I think you'd like any buff given to you :)
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  14. Agiond

    Who doesn't? :) Tho a slight speed boost when wielding a knife seems quite logic. It's not the same running holding a rifle than holding a knife.
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  15. Moonheart

    Seriously, have you ever seen a RL soldier get a knife in his hand to run faster?
    I can't see this as logical to happen in a game no matter how I look at it.

    However, we (LA and inf) should be able to run faster than engineers and HAs due to our lighter equipement.
    We don't carry with us a missile launcher or a full bag of engineering tools, after all.
  16. Reclaimer77

    Well of course. Light Assault is BADLY in need of a revamp and everyone knows this. Engineers, the most loaded out class in the game next to Heavy Assault, just got ANOTHER toy to play with. Yet LA's don't even have unique weapons!
  17. Iridar51

    Pre-e-e-tty sure Jet Pack weighs at least a lot. Certainly comparable to a full bag of engineering tools.

    We should be faster because we're a Light Assault class, true, but I wouldn't phrase it like that's because we have light equipment.
  18. Reclaimer77

    In this game main battle tanks can hover off the ground! How much could the jetpack possibly weigh? Future technology and all that.

    But okay, compromise: Leave LA foodspeed the same, just make HA and Max units MUCH slower.