Do Ammo Packs From Turrets...

Discussion in 'Engineer' started by Excretus Maximus, Aug 16, 2013.

  1. Excretus Maximus

    ...benefit from ammo pack certifications?
  2. GSZenith

    • Up x 3
  3. Excretus Maximus

  4. Ghosty

    Indeed, they do. Here are the patch notes that prove it.

  5. ScrapyardBob

    And I ran into yet another engineer today, happily spamming their AT turret downrange, who claimed that they couldn't put down an ammo pack because they were kitted out with mines.

    We need another PSA blitz about how to hit "B" after selecting your turret.
  6. Hoki

    Wtf? Since when?

    Hrmm time to cert it then~
  7. RealityWarrior

    Since GU 2
  8. DocteurVK


    So, I was wrong all that time???

    *Running away, going to farm certs *
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