[Vehicle] Discussion about the new MTB/harasser secondary guns Sept 4 update

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by alomalomalom, Sep 4, 2015.

  1. alomalomalom

    Hy everyone. I am not a forum guy but i think a have to share my feeling about the new guns/cannons.
    First, I like the way that every factions has the uniqueness, and i know that hard to keep the balance.

    Here is my toughts after 5-5 min test (i wont test for hours, there will be who do this in the future)
    TR: I think this will be a good ranged sniping gun, but its come with low damage, this is just a fracture on a tank

    NC: I dont know what daybraker want with this wep i think its the worst of all of them. when u constatly firing its to inncurate even close range. i think it a weapon for close range combat against big targets but i dont feel it worth the time.

    VS: Maybe some hate for this, but I think this wep far more usable then the other two. It is just a vulcan with no bullet drop and half of the fire rate but a little higher dmg. I think it the most balanced wep in all case. Usable in all situation

    Finally, I cant see the point why is better choice then the older secondary

    VS already has the saron which is good in all situation

    TR has vulcan, but for long range sustain fire this new gun can be an alternative

    And NC I dont know what can I say about this new wep

    Thank you for your time for reading this long post.

    I would like to hear, what do you think about this.

    Have a nice day, and kill a lot. ;)
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  2. WetPatch

    The VEX seems very balanced, i would like it to have a smaller CoF but thats about it. The Wave is cosmetic only it doesn't actually hit that wide so don't go aiming between people thinking you will hit both of them.

    The Fridge, still cant comment on it, ive only seen a couple of NC using it, but they are getting Ganked pretty fast because VS have taken a shine to the Harasser VEX.

    Zuul the Gatekeeper, Its range is ridiculous, its Velocity is ridiculous and if more than 1 is shooting at you, your gonna have a bad time M'kay.
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  3. Crayv

    I think a lot of people are going to complain about the TR since it's suppose to be a long range (like the Enforcer) and will be seen on Prowlers as well as Harassers while the NC and VS are mainly Harasser weapons (like the Vulcan is).
  4. 23rd enigma

    The M96 Mjolnir is underpowered imo. There is almost no reason to use it over the enforcer( since it does 100 damage more IF all bullets hit) and compared to the vulcan/ vex it just sucks. maybe daybreak should add like 50 more dmg pershot then it might be worth using .
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  5. asmodraxus

    Maybe the VS and NC might be wondering why the TR version of their long range weapons has a better CoF, projectile velocity and DPS and no bullet drop...
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  6. PasitheeVS

    TR - MR11 Gatekeeper

    A Long-Range Vulcan or/and a high DPS Basilisk.
    From what i saw and what I witnessed, it is way too OP for long ranges.
    If they took the last version I saw on PTS 1:1, it might have low DPS, but is 100% accurate, has no Damage Dropoff, 500m/s muzzle velocity, a huge magazine and fast reload. Compared to the 300m/s of the Inaccurate 6-Shot-Saron, meh.
    Also it's great against Air, I heard.

    While fighting in Tawrich Depot, I noticed an anchored Prowler on a cliff far away at the north of Scarred Mesa Skydock.
    I could only see it's Top having an Angle and took the opportunity for a duel with it to test it against my new fully upgraded Aphelion with gunner. I couldn't hit it with my AP, my gunner could do some hits, but the Gatekeeper took half of my Magriders health and I had to hide in a dead angle. As soon as I left it, it did hit me. Hundreds of metres away.

    It could need something to limit it's effectiveness on range like way lower muzzle Velocity, Damage Dropoff, CoF.
    Maybe compensated with a higher DPS.

    VS - Aphelion VEX-4

    I immediately bought and fully upgraded it when I was online and did drive it with some random gunners.
    Also I used it myself a couple of times.

    It is only a low upgrade in DPS on short ranges compared to the Saron, also it's NOT good for Anti Air as some hoped or feared...
    However it is a huge downgrade in Anti Infantry abilities, surprise effect (AV), maybe ammo capacity and stealthyness compared to the Saron.

    I am a bit disappointed by it.
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  7. SwornJupiter

    Its a pretty great addition and I'm pleasantly surprised that the devs didnt screw up the balance.
    Gatekeeper - A sorely needed long range AV option for the TR
    Aphelion - A competitive cqc AV option for the VS
    Mjolnir - Good dps, suits NS theme - I can see a lot of viability with this

    All in all,
    Well done
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  8. SwornJupiter

    Btw, that's supposed to be the tradeoff.
    Nothing in this game is truly 'OP' because it doesn't excel in all situations.
    The Gatekeeper is no exception - highly specialised in long-range combat, but sucks in cqc due to its relatively low DPS.
    The Aphelion and Mjolnir, much like the vulcan, is specialised in cqc combat, but not very viable over range.

    Dude, are you serious? Less than a day after these come out and we already have OP calls...
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  9. Campagne

    While I know this will never happen, I'd just like to see the NC's Mjolnir die in a fire and be replaced with a Vulcan-like weapon, akin to the VS's Aphelion.

    The Mjolnir really is the worst of the bunch, and I see no real reason to ever use anything other than a Halberd for both NC harassers and Vanguards.
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  10. T0x1s

    It got no alpha damage, DPS is lower, it got CoF and drop and the exposure time is highest.

    Gatekeeper is balanced. Its just that its focused at even longer ranges than the other ones but its worse at hit-and-run tactics and short ranges. Its balanced considering that TR got no ESAV launcher that focus ground and Fractures are meh.
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  11. Jeslis

    So far very happy with the TR/VS new weapons... the only issues I have with them seem to be graphical bugs...
    the TR ES AV weapon projectile isn't showing up for me, making it hard to see if its even shooting, let alone shooting me.
    the VS *wave* charge up effect is misleading as to how much area//what its going to hit.. and I find myself ... undershooting? the target. Would prefer some sort of *glob* shot instead, such as the HEAT cannot the default magrider gets (graphically)

    The NC Mjolnir tho... uhg...
    1. Its a semiauto 4shot burst weapon.. meaning you have to spam click on its HUGE clip... Please dear god make this auto, not semi-auto.
    2. The dmg is only better then the enforcer if the 4th shot hits.. and it has a forced spread/burst shot
    3. There was no situation where I thought, man it'd suck to have an enforcer here... ONLY situations where it was.. crap, I have a mjolnir, can't do ****.

    I would appreciate some better distinction between the Enforcer and Mjolnir
    A halberd like recticle for the enforcer, and a slight velocity buff, with a slight firing rate nerf.
    A dmg boost to the mjolnir (from 150 to 175 or 200), with perhaps a slight spread increase on the base shot, but a COF nerf (it doesn't need to expand when fired)..

    and lastly, both the Mjolnir and the VS ES AV (vex?) could use a little bit of a buff to infantry lethality -- I never felt afraid of these as infantry, compared to the vulcan. I don't know WHY the vulcan is more effect as anti infantry, only that it is unfair the other empire equivalents are nowhere near as good. -- Perhaps a slight buff to splash range on Mjolnir, but I don't know how to buff the Vex in that way.
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  12. Vaphell

    i don't give 2 ***** about "balance" but after 10 minutes i know the last thing this game needed is VS "vulcan" harassers. FFS >_<
    So now we are to suffer all the VS BR100 already getting bored with their medkit fueled battlejuice trance dance pulling harassers en masse to swarm and mow down everything in their path.
  13. Scr1nRusher

    TR = Long range.

    NC = Close range.

    VS = Close range.
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  14. WetPatch

    Haha ah yes, Colbalt VS definitely took a shine to it. We were hungry little bees.
  15. Jolanar

    I'm actually very happy with most of this update. The VEX is really good, not really overpowered. The Gatekeeper is really good, contrary to many of the posts above, its not OP. The Mjolnir is really the only one that I would have to say is below par. It just does not do enough damage for an NC weapon and has a significant drop to its projectiles, unlike the rampant VEX.
  16. PasitheeVS

    Not exactly... it was supposed to be:

    TR = Saron/Enforcer = mid/long Range
    VS = Vulcan
    NC = Vulcan

    but it's more like

    TR = Too long Range
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  17. Scr1nRusher

    TR has a thing called lockdown, which is used at range.
  18. SwornJupiter

    VS will always find a reason to complain...
    Give us a CQC AV Vulcan? OP!
    Give us a Long-Range Gatekeeper? OP!
    Give us a shovel? OP!
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  19. WetPatch

    You do see the irony in your post?
  20. SwornJupiter

    Not really, given that the premise for their argument is unjustified and wholly unreasonable...