Directives Gun and Attachments

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Rasatan, Oct 6, 2014.

  1. Rasatan

    Taking a look at Directives Gun stats, any of them are better than standard weapon, but Attachments is already applied? or will u get even better stats after attachment is applied?

    For example, NC Gass Saw God got higher bullet speed but its supposed it got high speed ammo, will u get more real speed than stats says?
  2. NCstandsforNukaCola

    Those are applied stats.
    Unfortunately, you can't expect beyond that.
  3. Rasatan

    In that case, whats the point to play hard to get for example NC God Saw when u only get +50 bullets and u dropped reload speed and what its worst u cant custom attachments? ... or am i missing anyhing?
  4. Bankrotas

    Nope, you're not missing anything NC6A Crapsaw isn't even offering anything, NC6 ****saw can't offer already.
  5. NCstandsforNukaCola

    You miss nothing and that is why GODSAW is called a crap

    Edit : Commented without seeing Bankrotas's. But what he explained shares mine lol.
  6. Scorponok

    yea, some of the directive weapons are nice but most are just like the regular kind.
  7. FLHuk

    Grind for the shiny shiny, stroke your epeen, look awesome to scrubs, forget about the bugs PLEEEEEEEEEEASE.
  8. Stigma

    Directive weapons have set attachments, and on top of that usually some minor tweaked stats.

    In the case of the godsaw (and all the other directive LMGs) you trade a small amount of extra recoil for some more bullets basically. It's actually not such a terrible trade, but the betelgeuse (Orion) obviously benefits the most from such a tradeoff since magazine size was essentially the only real weakness of that weapon to begin with. Meanwhile the Carv and the Saw both already had plentiful magazines - and thus adding even more bullets on top of that seems questionable to saw the least. Who ever needs a full 100 saw bullets in one go? .... now who ever needs 150? ...

    Generally speaking none of the directive weapons are worth grinding for. Many of them are just worse than the original weapons, and the ones that don't suck are just very slightly different but definitely not more powerful compared to the original. LMGs directives are actually about as good as it gets for directive weapons.

    It's just a "quest" to keep making some new goals for players to achieve. Some people actually need this sort of stuff to not become bored (yes I know, it's weird but true). Eventually hey are sure to increase the BR limit too just so people can keep grinding for an even more arbitrary number attached to their character...

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