[Suggestion] Directives eat up 50% of CPU time

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by user101, Feb 15, 2016.

  1. user101

    Directive eat up about 50% of CPU time and we run x64 now and that takes more time on the CPU. Directives were ok for 32bits but need killed in the x64 bit world because they eat up to much graphics time in the x64 world.

    Dev's you need to rethink directives ... Directive don't make you money they make you loose players by you killing the graphics speed to support directives.

    DX11 &12 will eat up even more CPU time... and Directives can't be in that world. The game lags because of Directives now.... Kill the Directives DEV's
  2. Moridin6

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  3. user101

    DEV's when directives were put into the game. There was an issue about directives or graphics ... at this point Graphics need priority. In 32 bits it was ok. But graphics in x64 require more cpu time. Than 32 bit did. And DX11 requires 3 time the CPU time than DX9 does.

    The directive pointers are x64 long now.... if it was x32 bit that was ok they were half the length taking half the time.

    Kill the DIRECTIVE DEV's I want the graphics time back DEV's. I want the lag from the servers gone... DEV's

    Server lag is caused mainly by the Directives. And we suffer graphics wise because of Directives.
  4. Nepau

    Umm what?

    First off, a Link would be nice.
    Second.. How does DirectX have ANYTHING to do with what your claiming.
    3rd, How does something that is done ENTIERLY server side eat up your computers CPU in any way?
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  5. FateJH

    How do you even computer?

    Edit: unless you're talking about the visuals associated with Directives that are part of the GUI. We know the GUI is terrible on processors.
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  6. Benton582

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  7. sIcGER

    its only in HIS mind

    there are no sources
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  8. Nepau

    This is a prime example as to the dangers of people reading Wikipedia without having any possible understanding.
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  9. ObiVanuKenobi

    User101 is a troll or has mental issues.
    I'm studying IT and this guys posts make my eyes bleed.
    He takes some random terms which he has no idea what they mean, adds some random numbers and then pulls false facts out of nowhere to make a perfect example of nonsense. He always tries to say something about things he knows nothing about by using words he has heard somewhere without any basic understanding.

    Wrong, CPU usage didn't double when directives were added a year+ ago.
    No proof at all.
    Just no, don't talk about things you don't understand.
    No proof that directives cause any performance issues and there's no reason to believe they are.
    False info without any sources or proof, dx12 doesn't increase CPU load, it does the exact opposite and there are no signs of either of them coming anytime soon.
    Number pulled out of nowhere and it's wrong.
    Hahaha no, that's just not how it works.
    I bet you don't even know what a pointer is.
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  10. Shiaari

    Game directives have absolutely nothing to do with the game's graphics. None.

    Perhaps you're unaware of who you're dealing with. This forum is replete with players with extensive backgrounds in computer science and information technology, things you obviously lack considering your use of "CPU TIME."

    That, or English is your second language, which is fine, but doesn't excuse your error correlating game directives with the game's graphics, and this assumption that the game's directives eat up CPU. Which is funny coming from you whose signature claims to be using a Core i7 processor. If the game is eating that much of YOUR CPU, then you're a liar. What are you doing while you play PlanetSide? Bitcoin mining?

    Go away, clown.
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  11. FieldMarshall


    "Obvious but mostly successful"
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  12. cyb_

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  13. Savadrin

    overall 5/10 but I haven't made it though the whole thread yet.

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  14. Liewec123

    agreed! and also remove the letter M from names, M's eat up 98.31% of GPU power! :D
  15. Savadrin

    No, it's definitely over 9000
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  16. Mezinov

    Actually, E is the greatest offender.

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  17. Savadrin

    But is this the new or old version of the Directives?
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  18. Liewec123

    haha, touche :)
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  19. RainbowDash9

    dat source though...

    but in all seriousness, DEEZ NUTS are the actual greatest offender, and here is the totally legit source
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  20. The Rogue Wolf

    Of all the things the game keeps track of at once during a normal play session, you think it's directives that are eating up the most cycles.

    What is this I don't even.o_O
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