[Suggestion] Directive weapons

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Zombiehills, Aug 5, 2017.

  1. Zombiehills

    Since all the directive weapons require 5,800 don't you guys think all the TR and NC weapons should have a heat mechanic just like the VS does?
    I think it's unfair that only the VS has unlimited ammo yes I do understand the fact that the VS have the best technology but it afecosts the game, giving the VSouth an advantage over the TR and NC maybe adding some unlimited ammof for every directive weapon in every faction so people actually want to work for it, so people spend time know the game trying to get the weapons with unlimited ammo.

    The VS have a big advantage over the other 2 factions when it comes to directive weapons, while the TR and the NC have 10 mags and each mag gets 2 kills those are only 20 kills then you need to go resupply and the VS can rise those numbers to even 30-40 isn't that unfair for all the othere's players?

    Can somebody do something related to ammo with the NC and TR so it is actually worth it...
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  2. LordKrelas

    As annoying as it is: it's their directive quirk, which unlike TR or NC, is actually present on them all.
    NC's is the basically useless Anti-Armor mode on the Gauss Saw.
    And TR's Butcher with the full ammunition supply in one mag (not as useful as either)

    What you thankfully are unaware of is, that the VS directive weapons don't even need to complete the 'reload' or 'venting' when they overheat or "expend" their weapon's clip.
    You switch weapons, and it is instantly is finished, allowing you to unload the entire clip, flip to anything & flip back to a fully reloaded weapon.

    I'd love TR & NC, to get a consistent trait (For the love of hell, NC's better not be shotgun related)
    (And pray TR doesn't just get boring higher ammunition counts.)

    * Longer ranged = Sniper Rifles

    NC's could be empowered rounds, accelerated to a higher velocity & damage but depletes multiple bullets \ projectiles at once.
    In some NC weapons, this is to the point of over-penetration of a single target. (Longer-ranged weapons)
    In this mode however, there is a delay between rounds fired - regardless if full-auto or not.

    TR's could be specialized rounds, allowing select weapons to fire light AOA shells at the cost of forcing a reload after the burst.
    For Longer-ranged weapons, this becomes a round that detonates with a concussive blast on target in addition to damage.

    VS, could probably add to or replace their directive Trait, with the ability to charge their weapons to combine multiple projectiles into a single higher-energy shot that gains velocity (and to a point, loses Bullet-drop) but has an increasing cost in heat \ ammo.
    For Longer-ranged weapons, the "shot" becomes a Beam able to the deplete the magazine, forcing an extended reload (that must be completed), but allowing the weapon to fire to the weapon's maximum range for a duration equal to the number of shots used.
    Each shot could be 1/10th of a second.

    So while it doesn't equal unlimited ammo, TR & NC at least would reliably be able to spot a trait unique to them.
    Making the weapons worth it, like the VS directives are.
  3. Campagne

    Oh please no. I'll take shotguns over firing delays of any sort, thank you very much. :eek:

    Hell, I'd even take an AV mode on my fnckin' Executive over a delay/RoF reduction. :confused:
  4. LordKrelas

    Not firing delay before it fires.
    Delay after the specialty round.

    Yes, NC has the ****test rate of fire.
    But hell, if you need 2 shots and punch a hole through 2 nutballs in one bullet; We're screwed regardless, might as well have a railgun let alone Gauss rifle be potent.
    Besides, I had to have some form of 'reduction' to NC's already hard-to-use slow-firing crap.
    "Head shot means more" not when the other side has 5 head-shots to your one, in the same time, lmfao..
  5. Campagne

    In practise though, that would most likely just boil down to either a flat reduction in RoF or regular ol' firing delay after the first shot has been fired.

    I'm afraid I also dislike the potential idea of NC's directives consuming more than one bullet per shot, what with the NC's small(er) magazines already. :(
  6. LordKrelas

    Hmm, well do you have a replacement? As I kinda ran out of means to balance it.
    But we are using bloody Gauss and rail guns. And dear lord do I want to actually have it work properly.
  7. Hegeteus

    It would be cooler for TR and NC to have unique effects of their own, rather than copy the unique trait of VS
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  8. Campagne

    Well I kinda like the long range of the GODSAW and apparently the Gauss Prime... Very little damage dropoff over range is at least not useless, right?

    If nothing else I'd settle for a larger reserve capacity. If anyone's gonna live long enough to run out of bullets, it's going to be the guy with the Directive weapon. (Especially if they're like me and shoot at everything with the AV mode for funsies.)
  9. TheSunlikeOne

    This feature never hit live servers. Now it's just a CARV with faster RoF. Devs even got rid of spin-up mechanic as well.

    Permanent death mechanic. The person, that is killed by given directive weapon can't be revived.

    Both Prime and regular Gauss drop to 125 DMG (at 90 meters for NC1, and at 110m for Prime). Prime has nothing special to it. It was the 1st Auraxium weapon I got and it was very disappointing.
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  10. Rydenan

    I don't know if it should be heat mechanic, but I definitely agree that NC and TR directive weapons need some sort of useful trait.
    The VS heat mechanic gives unlimited ammo, no downtime, and the ability to reload "in your pocket" while using a secondary. That is huge. The fact that the Betelgeuse is, mechanically, a worse Orion, but yet still manages to be the best-performing gun in the whole game, statistically, shows how enormous an advantage the heat mechanic gives.

    The devs were going in the right direction with AP rounds for the GODSAW, but they absolutely killed it by making it do pitiful damage, and making it less effective than normal rounds against MAXes, Harassers, and ESFs, AND making the user need to switch modes, AND making it deal half damage to infantry. It could have been cool, but instead it's a bad joke.

    TR and NC deserve a useful trait. But until then, as usual, you'll just have to play VS for easy mode.
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  11. FateJH

    So now we have to make a new character?
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  12. Campagne

    Really? Well that's very disappointing. I thought I read somewhere that is was better for long range, but I guess that's only by 20 meters. :(

    Is there any Directive non-LMG weapon that isn't a direct downgrade or what? :confused:
  13. TheSunlikeOne

    Ah, don't pretend like you didn't understand what I mean.

    I've heard that Directive carbines have underbarrel shotgun and laser at the same time. Other than that (and LMGs of course) every directve weapon performs the same or worse.
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  14. LordKrelas

    Yeah sadly they never "fixed" the problem, making the poor thing just a Carv.

    Ah, there's a thought ; But incredibly potent compared to the other side.
    Or is it?

    SMGs apparently preform horridly worse.

    On the PTS, (beyond the carv), you can see what everything has most of the time.
    Since you can unlock the directive weapons via a free item always available.

    NC's shotgun has a shotgun slung under it.
  15. LegendarySalmonSnake

    I hope you at least considered that Betelgeuse is a farming weapon only used by the top tier VS HA ****ters where as most other guns can be unlocked at br 10. Might effect the stats just a teeny tiny bit.

    But yeah TR and NC directive weapons need some love.

    So here is an idea: Lets add to the current God Saw an underbarrel shotgun that can switch firemode to grenade launcher, a sidebarrel bolt action sniper, hybrid Adv. laser sight/flashlight, side mounted forward grip, integrated suppressor and a set of 6-12x scopes with a set of 1-4x scopes on top of it.
    Because I swear NC weapon techs have a duct tape fetish.
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  16. LegendarySalmonSnake

  17. Br0nyGamer

    I love the T1A Unity just because it's a T1 Cycler, which is my favorite AR, but I do have to say that the Darkstar does seem a lot more fun to play with. The PTS update for the T1A Unity that never made it to live would have been awesome, though. 50 ammo per mag, feels like a completely different weapon, but even more dakka. Personally, I feel like the default weapons don't always make the best templates because they're not that special. The TR should have something along the lines of the Torq-9, but with more ammo/firerate or something, NC should have a Reaper DMR with 250 damage, and the VS should have the terminus (because it sounds cool) with a heat mechanic.