Directive Pistols. What should be done?

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by TheKhopesh, Jun 25, 2015.

  1. TheKhopesh

    So, as you may know, the defective er, directive pistols have sub-standard silenced velocity, no unique features/attachments, nor have any rail attachments (so no laser sight or flashlight).

    In fact, the only good thing they have going for them is that normal silencers take 5m off the max damage distance (For example, a silencer lowers the Beamer from 167 @ 10m to 167 @ 5m).
    Sadly, this doesn't matter, because the outrageously slow velocity means you often won't hit the target past 8m. (Yes, it's THAT bad!)

    Obviously, the directive pistols are garbage because of this.
    (I own the NC's directive pistol, "The Executive", and I feel that all of the directive pistols are junk.)

    I've heard a few suggestions so far, and the only decent one has been:
    The directive pistol's silencers don't reduce velocity at all, and they get both rail attachments (laser sight as well as flashlight).

    I feel this would be a FAR superior setup to what they are, but I'm looking for more ideas.
    So, what should be done about their current state?
    What would make these pistols effective and valuable weapons of warfare, rather than the near-worthless puny little pea shooters they are?
    • Up x 2
  2. Stormsinger

    I like the idea of suppressors not reducing round velocity, that might actually make me go for one of these.

    Another idea (which I would quite like to see as options on more weapons, too)

    The UBGL. I haven't seen one of these in almost a year - the mega-nerf that hit these made them next to useless on the primaries for which they are available, but they have the potential to be quite good on pistols.

    Another option: Standard Darklight attachment, just slap it on there by default.

    Silly option: Reduce round velocity to 0. If my rounds are going to be sluggish and terrible, let me leave them hovering in doorways, waiting for the unwary to run through, headshotting themselves in the process.
    Ok, maybe I havent had enough caffeine yet this morning, weee!
  3. TheKhopesh

    That's what I'm suggesting by the "flashlight".
    Throw both the laser sight and the darklight flashlight on at the same time.
    (They did this for the carbines with both a laser sight and underbarrel shotgun, so why not both a laser sight and a darklight for the directive pistols, given that you can't swap between the attachments? Some people prefer to run exclusively the laser for the better hipfire, others prefer exclusively the flashlight in case of stalkers.)

    That would indeed be silly, but sadly wouldn't work.
    Bullets and projectiles in general have a despawn timer of between 7-10 seconds (depending on the weapon), so the bullets wouldn't last all that long.
  4. Takoita

    I really don't know.

    I guess it could be cool if they looked like a Glock with all its tacticool attachements on

    (like, for example, in the video above) but I'm not sure about the actual stats. Would it be reasonable for Magshot+ and Beamer+ to be burstfire-capable? Or maybe an alternative fire mode with different projectile properties at a cost of higher ammo consumption or slower refire time? What about the Repeater+? Would a magazine extension or (Vanu forbid) full-auto mode push it too far? What about better COF bloom characteristics and damage drop-off on account of forward grip, extended barrel and stock? Would that make those pistols too good?

    Regardless, I very much agree on your suggestion for weaponry with integrated suppressors. IMHO, the current implementation of the few ones we have in this game flopped, but that doesn't mean it couldn't be changed into something better.