Directive: Exeptional II - Halberd-H SE stopped counting

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by AngryWarDragon, Mar 9, 2021.

  1. AngryWarDragon

    I have a NSO caracter on wich I am trying to unlock the Gold Weapon Camo from the Exeptional II Directive. I finished the Hammerhead 60/60, i finished the Diamondback 60/60 and now that i try the Halberd-H SE it doesn't continue after 13. the first time i checked it said 13/60, and after a lot of kills with the Halberd-H SE on the harasser, as wel as on the vanguard (of a friend ofcourse) it just did not add the kills to the directive, also on the weapon info it sais 13 kills. I think some of those weapons are hard enough to aurax, but Halberd has to be one of my favourite. I would be realy dissappointed if i were to find another weapon to aurax to just get that camo.
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  2. AngryWarDragon

    today i spawned my own Halberd-H SE harasser, and the kills are counting now. I will test it with someone elses Halberd-H SE today if possible as well to draw a conclusion.
  3. AngryWarDragon

    It seems the kill's only count when i use the weapon of my own, or another NSO player, I don't know if this is supposed to be this way, but it is very confusing to understand how to get the kills to the directive. A small explenation in the directive itself instead of "get 60 kills with this weapon", "get 60 kills with this weapon gunning for the NSO faction" would have made it instantly clear and save me a lot of time. Also a little introduction to the class itself when creating it, including those mechanics, could be a nice idea.