Directive Camouflage "Black"

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by Doomzzg, Jul 28, 2014.

  1. Doomzzg

    So much for that.
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  2. sucoon

    how to gian the true black and true white camo?
  3. Mylon

    You have to aurax the exception weapons. Flare gun, snowball gun, platinum guns, etc.
  4. eldarfalcongravtank

    well, it definitely is an incentive to auraxium these weapons in order to get this camo but i expect this black camo to spark some old controversies again, like VS being already too hard to spot at night, the lack of camo coverage for TR/NC or the too high camo coverage for VS, etc etc.

    either way, i'll be ready for the qq threads. by vanu, i will
  5. WyrdHarper

    It's very immersion-breaking; why would NC or VS wear TR colors?
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  6. Doomzzg

    VS have been running around in black for a long time with red shank decal and defend it to this day
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  7. Regpuppy

    Why do VS and TR get giraffe camo? :eek:
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  8. TheKhopesh

    I actually look forward to having a pure black camo.
    I just like the real-world tactical look it provides, and as long as everyone gets it, it's all good.

    I just wish camo coverage were better for NC and TR.
    The VS have about 15% more coverage, and it really screws the rest of us.
    15% doesn't sound like much, but it really makes a world of difference!

    ++++Side Note++++
    I have the Phoenix AE and NS-11P auraxiumed already. I'm over 40% there!
    Now I need to work on my gold cyclone and NS-44 Platinum.
    After that, I have no clue what I'll try for the last one.

    Maybe the Heartstrings?
    (I've already got gold on it, and a bow would be the quickest of my options.)
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  9. WyrdHarper

    Because we're all beautiful, majestic beasts!

    (On that note, why does every faction get Indar dry brush, which is the same color as shatter and all our other ES fancy camos? :eek:)
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  10. Doomzzg

    But it's not pure black at all
  11. DeathRoller

    I think it would be a good idea to include all "directive reward" weapons into "Exceptional weapons" category - fist, they are indeed exceptional and not easy to acquire, and second, it'll make this directive a bit more accessible since most of present "exceptional weapons" is very hard (or in some cases impossible) to get.
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  12. TheKhopesh

    Oh, but it is.

    True, the camo doesn't cover every inch of you, but no camo does that.
    That's the camo coverage keeping that from occurring, not the camo.

    But it is a solid, non patterned, matte black camo.
    It has no other colors in it, just solid matte black.
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  13. Kunavi

    With that out there, my hopes of having a proper TR camo with actual black and no ridiculous fluo red in it are gone out the window... Permanently. Y u do dis SOE.

    I only have a Commie B, Deep Freeze and that pink XBow. I think the NS 11P doesn't count and I won't buy any G or B versions of what I have, ever. Let alone Aurax those...

    As TR I just wanted my Faction colours as simple and solid as possible for camouflage. FML. Nerfed even our camo, one obtainable regardless of Faction tramples it now.
  14. Doomzzg

  15. Regpuppy

    They're both pure black, but the directive one is a pure matte black rather than a shiny leather looking black. The only difference in the amount of "black" here is that the one you quoted looks like it's made of shiny leather or plastic and the matte black actually looks like it's maid out of non-reflective paint and cloth.

    What you're arguing is your preference in texture/material, not the color itself.
  16. TheKhopesh

    Both are solid black from what you've shown so far.

    The difference between the "Excellent" (for lack of a better name) reward camo and the camo you're saying to be the only pure black, is that your camo is a "lacquered" black.
    It's shiny as a latex suit.
    The Excellent camo, is a matte black (Meaning it's dull, without shine or reflectiveness).

    But they are both solid, and pure black.
    And they are both without variation or pattern.

    Here's some black ties to demonstrate the difference between a solid black and just dark camos:

    Solid, Matte Black (Excellent camo) ------------------------------------------ Solid, Lacquer Black (The camo you showed)

    As you can see, "Matte" black has no shine, it's a pure, solid black, with minimal light refraction.
    The "Lacquer" black has a bright sheen, reflecting light at certain angles. It too is a pure and solid black.

    I don't care which we get, (though personally I do prefer matte over lacquer), so long as we get one of these two pure black camos.

    Patterned "Black" (Dark Scale camo)

    Lastly, we have black with other colors and shades.
    This is not a pure black tie (as it also has whites and greys), nor is it solid, as it has a pattern to it.
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  17. Ripshaft

    I was thinking well that's nothing special then skipped ahead and holy **** black vanguard looks amazing!

    Also I'm very glad that changed tr heavies from having that stupid skull mask to having a normal helmet, that's a good improvement. Dunno if I approve of changing the tmg to what appears to be a carv though.
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  18. Doomzzg

    It's still not black.
  19. \m/SLAYER\m/

    You will know how NC feels, after meeting VS with red decals and black camo :D
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  20. TheKhopesh

    Technically, we have yet to make a screen that can show the true color (or rather, lack thereof) "black".
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