[Suggestion] Different Repairguns

Discussion in 'Engineer' started by Vanus Aran, Jun 12, 2013.

  1. Vanus Aran

    To make the empires feel more different, the thing that is not really breaking through in the game.

    TR-Repairgun is getting an increasing range with every rank.
    (Maxrank 50% longer distance)
    Use: Repairing turrets with taking less damage even through Splash-tankshells or repairing Maxes longer from cover.
    Motto " The surviving engineer repairs longer. "

    NC-Repairgun is getting an increasing buff of damagereduction with every rank.
    (Maxrank 25% reduced damage for the Engineer and the target thats currently under repair)
    Use: Well, repairing stuff easier that is currently under attack. Making an NC-technology even more solid.
    Motto " A bullet hit me. Tomorrow it is its funeral. "

    VS-Repairgun is getting a faster repairrate and shortened cooldowntime against overheat with every rank.
    (Maxranks enhances repairspeed to 25% and reduces the cooldowntime to 25%)
    Motto " Evolution is waiting for no one. "

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  2. r0bert173

    Good idea, I like it.
  3. RealityWarrior

    I disagree. What ever you do like that someone it wont fit someones style as much as a different faction and thus make it over powered.

    Worse someone somewhere will find a way to abuse one of them. Heck as VS just last night I we did a max crash and held a point from NC charges for 5 minutes. I was repairing maxes all over the place. I could not get to them fast enough. With a 25% faster repair and a 25% less cool down I would have had all my maxes in the fight. Would have needed one less Engi (and therefore had one more max too) Would that be fair to the people we are fighting against?

    Remove the faction aspect. Make all 3 lines available to ALL Engineers. Now that would be neat.

    If you want to make them feel more different that could be accomplished via Skins or different Beams graphics. No need to unbalance game play.
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  4. Bill Hicks

    what are the drawbacks? looks like a straight buff from normal repair tool.
  5. Korban

    The proposed NC version sounds unfair to the other classes.
  6. The Shermanator

    The VS can get vehicles and turrets up faster than the other empires. The TR can repair turrets from further away, letting them take better cover while repairing from the shield walls in turret mounts. Also allows them to repair vehicles from safer distances, either behind cover or giving them a buffer so they have more time to react to a vehicle backing up.

    It all sounds fair to me. The NC one requires the engineer to be closer to the target and does not allow them to repair as fast.
  7. CompletelyDeadCoyote

    Definetely like the idea. Though i would not toss out the original repair tool and make those fraction repair tools as a second option. And to balance them with original RT, they should have some flaws. Slower repair rate, slower recharge or higher heating rate.
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