Different amount of Shield/Health for different classes?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RF404, Jun 7, 2013.

  1. RF404

    Does the infantry classes have different amounts of Shield/Health or do all classes have 500/500? If there is a difference; does anyone have the numbers on how much each class have?
  2. Tommyp2006

    They're all the same except for infiltrators, who have 100 less shields
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  3. Dramma Lamma

    ^^^ That ^^^
  4. Rogueghost

    I thought infiltrators had the same shields but 100 less health?
  5. LOLZebra

    I also thought that Heavy Assaults have 100 more shield or health?
  6. Cougarbrit

    No, HAs have the same as the other classes, it's just that they have their ability shield too, not sure how much health the shield gives though, or how much resistance the Resist shield gives.
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  7. RF404

    So the only consensus so far is that Infiltrators have 100 less of something and that Engi/Medic/LA has 500 Shield and Health?