Differences in faction carbines

Discussion in 'Engineer' started by Chivalry, Jan 28, 2014.

  1. Chivalry

    Despite my profile picture, I've been playing mostly a Vanu Engineer (Pulsar C) since I returned to PS2 this past month, and dabbling with NC one as well (AC-X11). I feel I perform very strongly with them as I have pretty good aim and the targets drop quickly.

    I realize that both of those weapons don't fit into the TR mold, so I'm trying to adjust to TR weapons but I have been having little luck. So far I've used the defaul Trac-5, but I feel the bloom expands more quickly and the accuracy is lower than what I am used to, leading to what feels like a much longer TTK, worse accuracy, and less compensatable recoil (and thus more frustration and deaths at all ranges). I also have the T5-AMC (bought those 3 guns during the Holiday sale), but the stats look worse than the default gun so I haven't really tried it yet.

    So what's the deal? As a player who always aims for the head, the TR guns I've tried have been very frustrating even though I always have the forward grip attached and ADS while bursting.

    Do the TR weapons require a different mindset to use effectively when coming from the other carbines listed above?
  2. LibertyRevolution

    T5-AMC is the carbine your looking for.

    • Up x 1
  3. M2_Bradley

    1. all NC carbines use the pistol grip of a Mag-shot while all TR carbines use the grip of the TXT Repeater.
  4. Laxlu

    You accidentally trying to compare different weapon categories. Bouth Pulsar C and AC-X11 are long range weapons with awesome accuarcy and lower firerate. Trac-5 is default weapon. Defaults are awesome at everything but not perfect in anything. If you return to your Mercenary and Solstice you will see how similar they are to Trac.
    Its a shame what you dont even try out T5-AMC. Its just the weapon you need, because its TR version of long range accurate carabine.
  5. Chivalry

    Well this is a bit embarrassing, but I didn't realize that I didn't buy the forward grip for the Trac-5.

    I'm doing well with it now :oops:
  6. Meccar

    T5-AMC may not have the raw damage of its counterparts, but it has a higher bullet speed and practically no recoil, especially once you get the Adv. Foregrip.

    I run mine with 4x Scope, Compensator, Adv. Foregrip & HA rounds and it can rival some sniper rifles in terms of range as long as you fire in short bursts (I occasionally swap the Compensator for a Suppressor for med-range fights)

    Give it a chance, you won't be disappointed. Trust me
  7. DeadlyPeanutt

    thanks guys, after pulling the pulsar C for my VS engie, i read this and bought a AC-X11 for my NC engie. Love this weapon. mini gaus saw indeed (same RPM and short range damage as the 'god saw'). Like the GS, it needs an advanced forward grip and compensator to steady it down before it's really usable.

    I don't play TR as much as the other two but will get the T5-AMC at some point. nice stable carbine with great accuracy for someone who ADS even in CQ and tries to always headshot.