Did they stealthnerf VS weapons?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Songano, Feb 14, 2013.

  1. Songano

    Hey there,

    i was wondering if anyone else noticed slightly lower dmg with the "pulsar VS1" and the "orion"?

    Could be me, but im losing many many duels right now...at range im still killing everything else but in close combat...no way.

    Maybe i need another cup of coffee ^^

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  2. PaperPlanes

    It's not just you. I am noticing this as well. I really don't care that some people have called me crazy about this, others in-game have agreed with me and I have been noticing my most used weapon, the VX6-7, feels very different now.

    Maybe it wasn't a nerf. Maybe there is some obscure bug that has somehow affects a bunch of VS weapons since the patch. All I know is a lot of them feel different now and I can't quite put my finger on it, I can't tell if it's more spread, more recoil, less damage or what, but something feels "off".

    I made a post in the LA forums about this regarding the VX6-7. I mentioned there that I've been using the default Solstice a lot lately and it now feels better and more powerful than the VX6-7 currently does.
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  3. DrTeeth

  4. the pestimist

    sucked in vs less op haha
  5. Xasapis

    In case you missed the memo, you're the OP faction now. That's why all the FOTM players migrate to NC/TR atm and drop VS.
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  6. the pestimist

    so basically vs is hard mode now.
  7. Xasapis

    According to the FOTM crowd that migrates to the perceived OP side, yes.
  8. the pestimist

    so what do you think made people think that.
  9. Rusky

    Nerf the 4th faction, they're OP and ruining the game!
  10. Munq

    Whoever is on the old NC warpgate at Indar is playing the game in hard mode. That place is brutal.
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  11. XRIST0

    Pulsar C still feels the same .. can still snipe snipers , lol .

    Vanu weapons are silly easy to use .
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  12. the pestimist

    agreed that part of indar is horid I will agree to that.
  13. Crysander

    Regardless of tinfoil hat theories I'll agree with this thread, but whether or not this is because TR/NC weapons feel more powerful I just don't know, I've certainly been dying more often. One thing I have noticed as far as VS weapons go: On Miller with the new render distance improvements the damage falloff to 0 becomes VERY noticeable at longer ranges. So much so that it's gotten me killed on multiple occasions because I am unable to fight back effectively if the TR or NC engage me at long range seemingly with no bullet drop. Now call me Mr Doubtful Pants but they severely nerfed the bullet drop for those two factions back in beta when we had longer render distance. Now that it's been extended again I feel like bumping their bullet drop up a bit is needed to compensate for our damage fall off.
  14. orionite

    @the pestimist We got it. You can stop now.

    @OP when are you experiencing this? I had the same feeling, My playstyle is usually ADS mid-range. In fact I'm just so used to aiming that I tend to do it in all situations (IRNV encourages that also) and it felt that damage dropped significantly to the point where I would not be able to take an enemy down even if I got the jump.
    However, when I played my engineer yesterday, I had a few cqc encounters and it felt like i mowed them down without problem... This may be just speculation, but who knows?
  15. Squirreli

    I've been playing a lot of TR pre- and post the latest big update, and to me it also feels there is something wrong with the damage or hit-reg. I've been losing quite a few infantry 1-vs-1 situations where I've thought I should have done much more damage to the target than I actually did. Nothing I can quite put my finger on, so it could just be coincidences. Just putting this out there, even though I do not have any proof ;)
  16. Zaik

    Someone was talking about the CARV getting a buff with the hotfix this morning. Possible accidental changes, they don't seem to do non-trivial stealth changes anymore though.

    99.999999999999999999999999999999999% of the time all of these threads end with "it's all in your head." If anything actually changed, the guy who updates https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet...ZOSWNaanFqSUVxLWc&f=true&noheader=true&gid=12 will get it and post it in the "Patch Changes" tab once it updates to this hotfix, even if it is a trivial stealth change.
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  17. Deavonere

    They didn't change the weapons, they changed something globally. Same thing was with NC weapons threads after GU2. SAW have same projectile speed but overall you can see that bullets drops faster.

    Also I've noticed yesterday that my hits are registered more often (or actually are registered). It may be some network/lag issues but it seems that I could perform better. I will see if I will be able to say same thing later, after more tests.
  18. pnkdth

    I believe we have a lot jedis on the board. They search their feelings and sense a nerf.
  19. FA_Q2

    The biggest change I have noted lately is a serious lag issue. I am dieing to targets I have already killed VERY often and it is getting annoying. I assume they are in the exact same boat.

    There is a SIGNIFIGANT delay from the time that you kill or are killed by your target that they continue to move and fight. This really is not acceptable.
  20. Aractain

    When I feel like I dumped 20 rounds into someone and it still shows 1 bar of shield left I assume that it was 'lag' (or I really suck).