Devs, Please Enable Autospotting (aka Spotting is Cumbersome)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by inigma, Dec 31, 2012.

  1. inigma

    I recommend removing Q spotting in favor of:

    Enemy formations you can visibly see show up on the radar screens of nearby faction team mates within a 1000 m radius.

    As it stands, do we have to manually hit a button to spot enemy characters on my screen? If we see an enemy, we should be able to share that information with the rest of my faction automatically (and silently). This was the case in PS1. Why change it?

    I know there are tactical advantages to keeping quiet when spotting an enemy (I've lost how many times I've ratted out an infil or LA who called seeing me, only to have them die by my team mates seconds later, or by my own hand). I just wonder why have a manual spotting feature at all and not just have shared visibility? Isn't this Auraxis - the future? Shouldn't my helmet be sufficiently advanced to automatically relay enemy formations to my nearby faction companions without giving my position away or taking a finger of mine away from other buttons? What a joke.

    Heck one could just set a mouse macro to auto spot when they hit the trigger... but no one should have to do that. The manual spotting feature in PS2 is just too cumbersome and really does detract from gameplay.
  2. Compass

    Might as well just have our guns do the shooting by themselves, seeing as they recognize the enemy and all.
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  3. inigma

    that wasnt helpful
  4. Ronaldspiers

    April Fools!!!
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  5. Raneman

    Autospotting is already in, it is called spending 1 minute configuring autohotkey.
  6. snu

    lmao i got banned from the forums in beta for asking if this would be allowed.
  7. Calendra

    That's fine, as long as you don't come back here and start whining about your ban. 3rd party tools (especially gameplay enhancing) are not allowed.
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  8. Rainfey

    Not sure if this is a bad troll, or serious...
    I'll treat it as serious.

    Just because an enemy is on your screen, doesn't mean you SEE him - or even recognize him as an enemy.
    (how do you think infiltrators work)

    IMO i think spotting infantry should be removed, reserve it for armor and aircraft.
    As for auto spotting.. ehh not so sure about that, i suppose silent spotting would be nice, has gotten me killed a few times.
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  9. fish998

    How about you just put your crosshair over him to spot him then? Honestly it's supposed to be the future, and yet spotting works by physically shouting to the guy standing next to you? (which btw gets you killed fairly often) You should be able to mark targets as well, rather than having to use region chat (which is broken 80% of the time) to tell everyone where the goddam sunderer is.
  10. Tuco

    How about holding removing manual "Q" spotting and having crosshairs over an area for more than 5 seconds does the Q spotting automatically.
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  11. Stormlight666

    The problem I have is troops NOT showing up as enemies when I hit 'Q'. I've been killed time and time again when the game refuses to ID them as enemies to me and I get shot because of it. OR it doesn't show them as being friendly and I wipe one of them out at range with a turret or tank weapon.
  12. UzumakiW

    Didn't realize hitting "Q" was that difficult for some people.
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  13. supahitecjetfyta

    Scout Radar.
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  14. Raneman

    Autohotkey does not effect the game at all, it is simply a keyboard macro. If we're going to ban keyboard macros we're going to have a bad time.
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  15. Testman

    Also, add auto aiming and auto shooting.
    In fact, just let me download a bot.
    I mean, I wanna play, but I'd also rather go watch TV and not really be at my computer while I do it...
  16. Otleaz

    The real solution is to completely remove spotting, which is at the top of the extremely long list of terrible design decisions that haunt this game.
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  17. inigma

    It's not difficult.

    I suppose you actually like hitting Q to spot enemies prior to having them show up on your radar. I didn't *know* so many people were actually in favor of q spotting vs autospotting. Care to put down your reasons for q spotting vs autospotting other than your Q-hitting l337ness? Or is this just a another useless troll post?
  18. inigma

    Aside from your sarcasm, are you actually are in favor of manual q-spotting? Care to list any reasons for it if so? Or do you just like sarcasmaholicing those who actually have posted reasons for removing a game feature that could make the game better (and more PS1 like)? After all, I'm sure if you support q spotting, that you most likely have a ton of reasons why you like it vs not having autospot or shared view/radar.

    After all even as a compromise I'm sure you could have suggested something more useful... say a cert to allow autospotting, since you'd be so in-favor of keeping manual q-spotting for some reason I'm sure. But your reasoning escapes me since your post offers no real argument for or against q spotting. It's just a waste of a post until then. And perhaps this response to yours is too.
  19. JohnnyMaverik

    Lol, no.
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  20. Diamond Sword

    I agree and disagree at the same time.

    I disagree that everything should have an autospot.

    However, I would be okay with a scope for Infiltrators that worked like the scope in Battlefield that spots automatically when looking through the scope.