Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kdog559, Nov 21, 2017.

  1. Kdog559

    Good battles are being lost and continent locks are not even triggering. Lots of other issues along with that.Please fix the constant disconnects.It's everyone else not just me.
  2. Killuminati C

    The servers are a bit of a mess right now. Occasional disconnects here too as well as a couple streamers I was watching on Twitch makes me think it's happening frequently.
  3. adamts01

    What makes it worse is if you disconnect after your faction started an alert there's no way you're getting back to the continent, thanks to faction hopping to farm ISO/cosmetics.
  4. Shibby84

    I'm shooting at this guys head, 20 bullets on his forehead, nothing but air, I die. Something is very odd with how my game is being played. Same situation, I turn the corner, center mass I'm firing 20 bullets later nothing but air, I'm dead. Could be my connection, but it was never like this before the patch. I would sometimes experience this sort of thing but differently playing versus out of country players, but thats bullhonkey.

    Same situation with my dumb fire rockets, I'm a veteran player; I know how to shoot my rockets as a heavy, but where they would have hit that armor, it just whiffs past behind them, I know I would have hit my target.

    Daybreak, why are you placing my gameplay slower than everyone else's? You know it, and in the inside you are so very weak.
  5. Bansheedragon75

    I have encountered issues that I believe is related to this.
    Playing as an Engineer using my archer I can see my bullets hit my target, but I dont get a hit indicator and target takes no damage.
    Same thing happens when driving my lightning, I can shoot at things and see the shells hit, but no damage indicator and target takes no damage.
    Its as if there is an invisible wall between me and my target right at the target location, and its not the terrain or other structures blocking my shots, I had this happen in open terrain with no obstacles between me and the target.
    • Up x 1
  6. Shibby84

    3 things could be happening, really bad latency issues server wide, servers set to adjust latency to the majority baseline of players, more EU players on the W Server it gives them a better connection (example) or the server/devs have the ability to spiff on players, as they have in the past, dev location, dev spawn, dev cheapskate shoot someone in the back.