Devs fix the frecking A2A rockets for HA!!!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by LegioX, Nov 28, 2012.

  1. Udon

    And what exactly did you do to earn those resources? Was it sitting in a spawn room chatting with your squad mates or something? You don't earn resources they are given to you for free so that's a mute argument. Resources are nothing more than a layered spawn timer mechanic.

    A player in a vehicle is more powerful than a player on foot so you get a respawn timer to compensate. Given all the vehicle choices you have to pretty much crash into walls or drive off cliffs to run out of resources and timers on vehicles to pilot if that's all you want to do. Add on top of that the stupid mechanic that lets the pilot give their vehicle endless HP and you have instant vehicle spam. SOE either doesn't want to or can't fix the issue for fear of driving vehicle loving players away but unless they radically change base designs with much larger indoor spaces dedicated infantry is going to get rarer and rarer as time goes on.

    The choices SOE have is; Put infantry on equal footing to vehicles, Make resources/respawn timers really matter, make taking damage as a vehicle matter more than just annoying you by requiring you to get out and repair, or deny places where infantry fight in close quarters to vehicles. Well I guess they could also just bury their head in the sand and hope the problem goes away. That would be a choice to.
  2. Wellknown

    Max cost recourses as do skyguards. Both bad at AA
    As for HA you Carn't 1 shot any aircraft with full health and then theres flares.
    So my point was valid.
  3. Thudruckus

    A2A HA rockets are GREAT, don't listed to this guy he has no idea what he's talking about. I rack up kills all day long with my A2A rockets.

    Also one shotting anything is stupid (remember beta when ESF rockets could waste any tank with one round). On that statement alone it this should be ignored.

    But regardless, HA A2A rockets are the best they've ever been. KEEP THEM THE WAY THEY ARE. Even if you can't get murder everything in the sky, 1 rocket and that ESF is out to repair for the next couple of minutes. That's called TEAMPLAY and not selfishly trying to get as many kills for your certs as possible. Keeping that 1 or 2 or 3 ESFs down to 30% capacity of time they're above you saves countless lives.