Devs admit they won't ever "fix" rendering issues...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by treeHamster, Feb 11, 2013.

  1. Iksniljiksul

    Instead of sitting here ******** you stupid people should be on Connery testing the new rendering build, right the **** now and the last hour or so. It's much better now, but I don't have a sniper on Connery so I couldn't fully "test" this build.
  2. Rider004

  3. Bape

    So let me get this straight.

    Better rig = better render?
    Better render = invisible kill
    low/medium rig = die to invisible people with better rig

    IF this is what you want this will be the result

    Better rig = still playing
    medium/low rig = quit / rage / new game

    population drops by big chuck of %

    game dies

    the end.
  4. vani

    Then why aren't you using all 4 of my hyperthreaded cpu cores?

    I am CONSTANTLY cpu bottlenecked by this and it greatly effects my FPS in big battles.

    If i'm in a 1v1 sniper battle with that guy then yes obviously he's going to win everytime with his unfair advantage.

    But at the moment doing anything long range is pointless because there's nothing to shoot at, close range reduces my FPS to a cripple when i get shot at and since no 1v1 sniper battles occur in PS2 what's the point in limiting the render distance? So i can climb the crown to get taken out by an invisible HA? Or so that i try again looking at the area the enemy is in only to get insta-sniped by an invisible sniper who again never rendered for me?

    The only time rendering and hardware advantage come into it is who can see who from the furthest away.

    I don't care if the guy im up against has better hardware than i have, the human eye can only see to the equivilant of around 40-60 fps. I don't care if he gets 10-20 more fps than i do. Give me my 60 fps in big battles that i deserve and i'll still kick his *** at most ranges!

    This is how the game ALREADY is. The only difference is that SOE have limited it so it only happens in big battles at ranges of around 200m. If SOE unlocked the render distance the only things killing you invisible from miles away would be snipers (BUT OH SNAP THATS WHAT THEY'RE SUPPOSED TO DO!) Then the only thing you need worry about is vehicles doing it but that's ok because they're on auto render to bloody everything.
  5. riker

    if you set your graphics to medium or low and your render distance to the highest setting the only people that can hit that you cant see are the snipers, but that makes sense.............they are snipers..............they hit from distance
  6. Rider004

    Read earlier in the thread, Page 5. The solution is there.
    Also, unpark you cores if you haven't yet, because Windows is conservative, and PS2 is programmed to make it worse:

    Computer Monitors can only display 60 Hz or 75 Hz, while the Human Eye can see around 120-220 (average healthy person<->fighter pilots)
    When your game is rendering at around 120 hz, you get screen tearing, top half renders frame 1, bottom half renders frame 2, monitor is too slow.
  7. Ash87

    ...Point 1: Inclusive to the most casual or fickle of the chosen market share: yeah, this works if you aren't working with a massive playerbase to begin with. See League of Legends, Star Wars: the Old Republic, Lord of the rings Online, Team Fortress 2. It works for small niche games too, but Planetside 2 isn't a Niche game, it's rather big. This is ignoring that it has been already established that they will more than likely fix the problem with rockets, why? Because it's an obvious issue, with a solution as easy as: Reduce lock on range.

    Point 2: Games where the other team's rockets and snipers were invisble since they were non-rendered? Okay, snipers isn't the sniper not rendering, it's the sniper being good, if you pick a good sniping position and shoot people, and they can't locate you, you are doing well. If you see the sniper immediately, that person is bad at their job. Rockets, it's a small problem, but let me present you with a problem: Why are people mindlessly pushing on a position with more and more tanks and ESFs, to be shot down by rockets, when they have been repulsed? Is that, Rockets are OP, or is that 'people, are dumb'. I say it's the latter. If you walk into an area, armed with a magrider, where you KNOW the first 3 people in your group just got blown to Satan's Winter cottage, you sir, are dumb. No, you are not at the mercy of OP weapons, you got outmanuvered, and you were too silly to turn around. You know, if you were the first person in that group who got hit, well that sucks to be you, but it's the balance that prevents tanks from rolling over everything with 2 legs and 2 HP of health, like a hyperactive berserker, powered by a plutonium core. The moment your platoon, squad, or prox chat goes up with: "THEY HAVE ANNI-" you should be halfway back down the road which you were going, in the opposite direction of the speaker.

    There is something people are ignoring, and that is why it's frustrating to me: this isn't about rockets or snipers. I cannot believe, that someone is getting their entire experience ruined, because the moment they run onto a battlefield as infantry, they get sniped, or the moment they leave the warpgate, they get shot down or shot up by rockets. It doesn't happen. People who usually die to these two tactics are either A.) Standing in the open, oblivious to something as nebulous and magical as cover, or B.) ignoring what is happening around them, or C.) vastly overstating how often this happens to them. I play a sniper, so I get sniped a LOT. Once or twice in a row sometimes. I will stand out, look around, can't see where they sniped me from. You want to know why? They have a x12 scope. They could be standing out in the open, half a bloody mile away, and hitting me. If they make that kind of shot, I am not upset. If they are hiding closer, and I just can't pinpoint them, they are doing so well, I am not angry. Those people are having render issues too. Do you want to know what is frustrating to someone who uses these two tactics? When you aim down your rifle at a hill 20 feet away, and see bloody nothing, but everyone 2 feet infront of you is pouring fire into that hill, like it's covered in Zombie *****. Render goes both ways.
    • Up x 1
  8. AdrIneX

    >see recommended requirements for the game
    >be a guy with a high end machine
    >notice the game has poor rendering
    >game programmer says "it's unfair against the guys with lower end machines"
    >wonder why the hell you need a high end machine if this game caters to people with poor specs anyway

    • Up x 1
  9. Blitzkrieg

    What a lot of people get confused with is the rendering distance due to load and the fixed render distance they have.

    They are fixing the rendering distance under load because that is a problem, people appearing at 10-20 meters in front of you is not good, so they want to bolster that as far as they can.

    The fixed render distance most likely wont change for a very very long time. Which is quite fair. They have Infantry rendering at around 400 meters (when it isn't under heavy load), vehicles are past that. Now if it was based souly on your hardware, some one trying to snipe with a poor machine may only see a target (no matter how few people are in the area) at 100-150 meters. Where some one in the same area which has only a few people in it, but because he has an insane machine can see his targets at say 1000+ meters. One has a clear advantage.
  10. Rider004

    Go back and edit it to make your point clearer, please!
    SOE forums lock posts against editing after 30 minutes!
    Please use the preview function in the 'more options' button before you post!
  11. vani

    All possible solutions suggested have been made to my PC and the only somewhat playable settings i find to work are all low. I've literally tried everything. It's SOEs optimization, un-willingness to use my cores and render issues that's causing it.

    An yeah i probably should've said more detail on the human eye thing, most people don't really notice a difference around 60fps. Mind you that's probably due to the monitor being 60hz. At least thats what i remember from what i'm told not that that's reason to use to back my statements.
  12. Ash87

    Well since you prefer a TL:DR edition (I know reading is difficult)

    TL:DR: Your wrong on both of your counter points. Thank god for me. :cool:
  13. Rider004

    Would you kindly run "dxdiag" in the search bar of the start menu, tell me what CPU it says you have, then click on the Display tab, and tell me what graphic card it says you have?
  14. AdrIneX

    People who suggest to unpark cores need to shoot themselves in the head right now, before they spout their "advice" all over the forum. They don't realize it might hurt performance for other games or programs you run.
  15. Rider004

    How is that even possible?
  16. vani

    It says NVIDIA geforce gtx 560 ti (not sure if it's noticing it's in SLI which it is.) with 4065mb.

    EDIT: CPU says Intel core i7 2600k 3.4ghz 8 cpu's ~3.7ghz

    Could have just told you all this though.
  17. Rider004

    Is Motion Blur on? that increases performance.
    Try playing in windowed mode, or shrinking it down?
  18. vani

    Increases performance How? Besides that i hate motion blur!

    I'll give it a go though, might be worth mentioning i play on all low settings have tried playing on ultra and it as stated by a dev only gives the feeeling of smoother gameplay and actually decreases overall performance and makes larger battles worse.
  19. HadesR

    ^ This .. Connery > Indar they are testing a new render distance ... It's looking good so far ... Unless you hate Sniper's :p
  20. Rider004

    Tested and confirmed by fellow guys in the /Planetside 2 General/ thread, turning on motion blur increases FPS.