Developer feedback - end game goals

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NOX2097, Dec 6, 2012.

  1. NOX2097

    I'm posting this in the hope that the devs get a chance to read this and consider it. I think the response to community involvement so far has been awesome.

    The game lacks proper endgame at the moment. It's not supposed to be JUST a grind for gear, or a leaderboard race. In fact, I would argue the leaderboard attracts cheaters. Leave it out, noone cares. While you're at it, take out the team deathmatch stats like K/D ratios, it makes some people focus on entirely the wrong thing.

    How about this end game.

    On every continent, when a faction loses all territory and is down to their warp gate, they have 24 hrs to claim at least one territory or the shields for the warp gate go down. The warp gate can be assaulted, and then captured. I think this will lead to better and more dynamic player deployment across continents, and it will create epic battles where something real is at stake. Once you lose your warpgate on a continent, that's it. You lost that continent.

    The first faction to get all 3 continents wins. There can be stalemates, yes. In that case, the faction with the most continents wins. If they each have the same # of continents, it's a draw. All the players that participated get some cool medal or stat that show they won a "world". The ones that were there for the final battles at the warpgates maybe get some special achievements or medals.

    Once this is all done, reset the continents and start over. This way there is a clear endgoal that people will fight HARD to get, and will preserve the MMO feeling of the game. The rounds could take days, weeks, months, YEARS, who the hell knows. The feeling when you helped your faction WIN ALL 3 CONTINENTS will be unmatched.

    You want a leaderboard? How about a leaderboard of how many such "worlds" you conquered? Or how many warp gates you helped defend?

    How about a web page, or even better, a smartphone app where we can login and see the status of the continents. Get this. You're at work, pop out your smartphone, check on the map, see that that blasted Vanu warpgate is having its shield down in a few hours. You can't wait to go home. You know exactly what you're doing tonight.

    * Also, have some servers be marked "eternal battle" where warp gates are uncapturable as they are now. Then all the ones that don't like my idea can keep playing as they are now. But consider making something like this for the rest of us.

    If you like my idea, like the post. Have suggestions? Reply below.

    EDIT: The warpgates can be changed to take up more land and have an epic fortress. Make capturing one feel like assaulting a death star. Make it hard, but doable. Make it so that when it happens it's an event.
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  2. NOX2097

    Shameless bump.
  3. iGamer1990

    i like the suggestions :D the app sounds awesome
  4. UberBonisseur

    This game is a permanent tournament, and as such; the game should "end" once a faction captures and locks the others in their *cough* Sanctuary bring it back *cough*

    Many people have been throwing around the ideas of "win and reset" with a hall of fame, assault highlights filmed by players, and featured outfits on the official website
    It's not just a good idea, it's also lots of free marketing AND A PERMANENT ESPORT COMPETITION.
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  5. serenekaos

    They should add arena style combat and ladders and tournaments. 10 v 10, 20 v 20, 30 v 30......

    Absolutely loving the idea....DEVS should listen to this one compared to all the whining threads!
  7. Niv

    its call "Map Cap Goal" something that right now pretty funny since we get some ****** 10% discounts on something.
  8. medbot544

    This game really is just a revamped, much larger BF game really. It's supposed to be MMO and it does have some those elements, however there really is no goal outside of cert farming and kills. Other than that, I really could not care if enemy takes stuff over...infact I hope they do so that when they leave I get 3-8 cert points for flipping it. Then I will leave and they will flip it back with absolutely no fighting at all; who would anyways, get more exp per hour flipping than actually fighting. Repeat all day and night long.

    I personally want to see actual mechanics to promote fighting rather than rapid flipping. This would make stuff actually worth fighting over and truely make this into an MMO. Currently it is not. Only MMO element you got here is persistant characters with certs but you can get that in say BF3 and only have to pay 60 bucks. Here, 60 bucks gets you a couple guns that will be 'replaced' next month by 'better' ones. ie recolored with slightly different stats.
  9. Tobax

    The only thing a game needs to be classed as an MMO is having a large number of players simultaneously interacting in a persistent world and it has that.