Developer Community Meeting with Azure Twilight

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Zorro, Jan 26, 2013.

  1. Zorro

    What do you think about the developer's ideas? Please discuss.
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  2. innociv

    I didn't care too much.
    It doesn't feel like it affects me much.

    It seems to me that most "meta" issues are more down to map/continent design than a lot of these fancy things. I hope Esamir and Amerish get some work to them instead of them being forgotten as new continents are pushed.

    Most issues I'm concerned about are just the actual gameplay. Flak/lock-on/zephyr/dalton/pods needing a nerf, AP shells needing a speed buff, and flak/mineguard/nanoweave not being basically requirements so you can't chose another upgrade, etc.

    It feels like a lot of what people have to suggest doesn't have to do with fun. I'd focus on getting people to play for fun instead of things a lot of players won't even understand.
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