Dev drones?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Hammercannon, Dec 8, 2012.

  1. Hammercannon

    Can those dev drones impact players? cause my scythe has blown up 2x today for no reason, once it said suicide well i was flying in the air high just exploded, and the second time it gave a name, but no faction and no wepaon, just 100% damage from Morifias, both well flying with nothing around me.
  2. Tobax

    Good joke
  3. Hammercannon

    not a joke.
  4. TheEvilBlight

    Smedley's dev drone comment was meant to be in jest.

    Aircraft blow up when you leave x,y boundaries but I've not seen it happen while flying.

    It's possible Morifias is using hax? Might be worth looking up the player in question.
  5. Gedd

    tonight on Miller EU server i see system messages stating
    "surveillance drones are watching operative xxxMiller"
    i wondered what these meant if thats what the op means hopefully they are onto hacks/exploiters
    • Up x 1
  6. Tasogie

    I have to admit I love the idea they have put out. It's great to see them finally taking control of it all.
    I was freaking out today cos I was getting alot of headshots at long range with my Carbine, an having spent several days now sniping my **** off, I was worried they might think I was hacking. luckily for me, my K/D protects me :p

    (0.03) or something like that.
  7. Phyr

    I doubt the drones are actual objects in the game, that would be a terrible way to monitor the game.
  8. Hammercannon

    im assuming it was a joke too, but then the in game msgs, and now ive blown up 2x for no apparent reason flying in safe space once high, and the other time lower and nearer to combat but still not en danger.
  9. Tobax

    Plus objects don't monitor you its the GM's behind the scenes watching whats happening and using the system data.
  10. Gedd

    Latest system message on Miller " anyone with the title operative in their name is a GM your wasting ammo"
  11. Fuse

    There was a broadcast on Mattherson earlier saying "Operative BlahBlahMattherson IS an admin and is invincible, youre all wasting your bullets" or something like that. I assume that means they're just running around with god mode, but maybe they finally gave the observer cam a skin? Has anyone seen any of the admins in-game yet?
  12. Lethal_Sting

    Yes. I knifed Cosmotronmattherson :cool:. Then they just text chatted "I'm invincible."

    Then I said to the effect "You will be my body shield for the Empire!" [although he was NC]
  13. Phyr

    Sounds like they're testing it. Or it's already been hacked *tinfoil hat*
  14. Sifer2

    We all have been killed by no name stuff or hit by stuff we couldn't see which might be lag. If your an aircraft it's very possible that what killed you didn't even render on your screen. Most ground infantry don't render unless you fly low but can still hit you. I wouldn't entirely discount hackers either since they do exist but its more likely lag.
  15. PoopMaster

    People with the tag Operative are GMs apparently and you can't kill them.

    edit: what Gedd said
  16. Hoki

    My full HP sunderer exploded once, no damage from anything. Wasn't AT mines.

    This game has a lot of bugs so I'd like to assume it was a bug and not some stalker dev in ghost form.
  17. Marked4Death

    ESF's are weak as tinkle against collision damage. I'm pretty sure when someone rams you, they have killed you without a weapon so that's probably what you're seeing. Not hating, but reavers with the highest toughness seem more inclined to ram you as they think they can survive, mostly they don't (yes all factions ram).
    TBH, I get rammed far more by friendlies, even when hovering still, some ****** may drive straight into you.
  18. Hammercannon

    no it shows there vehical if they ram you, it exploded with nothing an just said a name and 100% dmg, and the earlier time it was just me exploding for no god damd reason. and it called it suciide.
  19. JP_Russell

    Maybe. I know on Friday Night Ops when they use /observer, they've made comments that they need to not run them over (referring to infantry) and actively avoided doing so afterward. Made it seem like it really did behave like a vehicle with a collision. If that's the case, perhaps you did die to an admin observer.

    Then again, maybe it was just some kind of weird lag spike. Saw a video on Youtube of a guy trying to fly around on a server that was clearly dying of lag, and it kept bouncing him around and eventually killed him as though he were crashing into things even though he was high in the sky.